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Remembering the Albahari family

dc.creatorAlbahari-Krivokuća, Judita
dc.description.abstract"Nedaleko od same Banja Luke, u malom bosanskom seocetu Hrvaćanima živjela je trgovačka porodica Albahari. Jakob i Rena Albahari roditelji šestero djece, svojim radom, životom i primjerom nastojali su da svojoj djeci daju ispravne, ljudske poglede na život! Poučeni od roditelja, njihovo dvoje djece, koji su živjeli u selu sa roditeljima, Šalom (Mito) i Flora, već u prvim danima svog mladalačkog života, opredjeljuju se naprednom radničkom pokretu. Njihova česta prisustva u Banja Luci bila su uvijek vezana za boravak i rad u Radničkom domu napredne omladine Banja Luke. U selu Hrvaćanima gdje je živjela porodica Albahari otac i majka bili su poznati kao dobronamjerni i susretljivi ljudi. Jakob je veoma često davao robu na veresiju, koja se u mnogo slučajeva nikad ni naplatila nije. Rena, njegova žena svojim savjetima, poukama i pomoći u bolesti i nevolji bila je cijelom selu poznajta. Jakob kao zarobljenik Austrougarske vojske od strane Crvene armije priključio se borbi Oktobarske revolucije u SSSR-u..."sr
dc.description.abstract"Not far from Banja Luka, in the small Bosnian village of Hrvaćani, lived the Albahari trading family. Jakob and Rena Albahari, parents of six children, with their work, life and example tried to give their children correct, human views on life! Taught by parents, their two children, who lived in the village with their parents, Shalom (Mito) and Flora, in the first days of their youth, opted for the progressive labour movement. Their frequent presence in Banja Luka has always been related to living and working in the Workers' Center of Advanced Youth. In the village of Hrvaćani, where the Albahari family lived, his father and mother were known to be well-meaning and attentive people, and Jakob often gave the goods to loan, who in many cases was never charged. Rena, his wife, was known throughout the village for her advice, lessons, and help in sickness and trouble. As a prisoner of the Austro-Hungarian army by the Red Army, Jakob joined the struggle of the October Revolution in the USSR ... "sr
dc.publisherBeograd : J. Albahari-Krivokućasr
dc.subjectAlbahari, porodica - u sećanjimasr
dc.subjectAlbahari, family - in the memoriessr
dc.titleSjećanje na porodicu Albaharisr
dc.titleRemembering the Albahari familysr
dcterms.abstractAлбахари-Кривокућа, Јудита; Сјећање на породицу Aлбахари; Сјећање на породицу Aлбахари;
dc.rights.holderTanja Krivokuća, Beogradsr



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