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Genealogy of the Albahari and Levi families

dc.creatorAlbahari Perišić, Rahela
dc.description.abstract“Interesantno je prezime ALBAHARI. To nije hebrejskog porijekla, više liči na špansko- turski jezik. Ima pretpostavki o porijeklu prezimena Albahari. Evo nekoliko objašnjenja: a) "albakjera" što znači praskozorje, rana zora; b) po objašnjenju Sir Cecil Roth, čuveni britanski naučnik koji se bavi porijeklom sefardskih imena, naveo je slijedeće: od riječi "elbehor", što je mala vjerovatnost; od arapske riječi "al bahrija", što znači velika voda, more ili jezero. Prema tome naši preci bili bi momari ili ribari; c) najvjerovatnija je pretpostavka da su naši preci bili nastanjeni u malom mjestu ALBUHERAL, 5 km jugozapadno od mjesta BADAJOS, blizu portugalske granice. Kad su Jevreji protjerani iz Španije 1492. godine, mnogi su uzeli prezimena mjesta odakle su protjerani, pa i mjesta gdje su se privremeno nastanili, pa tako imamo prezimena Tolentino (iz Toleda), Ferare (iz grada Ferara), Castel, Franko i sl... U Splitu postoji jedan stari spomenik u Jevrejskom groblju sa natpisom Albahari. Po pričanju našeg oca Davida Albahari, taj grob je od naših predaka. Odakle su došli, ne zna se tačno. Po pričanju našeg rođaka Leona Albahari (brat od strica našeg oca Davida) naši preci su došli iz Turske u Ruščuk - Bugarska, a odatle preko Salonike i Bitolja (Monastir) raselili su se u druge krajeve, gradove i naselja Balkana...”sr
dc.description.abstract"The surname ALBAHARI is interesting. It is not of Hebrew origin, it is more like Spanish-Turkish. There are speculations about the origin of the surname Albahari. Here are a few explanations: a) "albakjera" which means daybreak, early daybreak; b) according to the explanation of Sir Cecil Roth, a famous British scientist who deals with the origin of Sephardic names, he stated the following: from the word "elbehor", which is unlikely; from the Arabic word "al bahri", meaning great water, sea or lake. Therefore our ancestors would be sailors or fishermen; c) the most probable assumption is that our ancestors lived in the small town of ALBUHERAL, 5 km southwest of BADAJOS, near the Portuguese border. When the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492, many took the surnames of the places from which they were expelled, and even the places where they temporarily settled, so we have the surnames Tolentino (from Toledo), Ferrara (from the city of Ferrara), Castel, Franco, etc. ... In Split, there is an old monument in the Jewish cemetery with the inscription Albahari. According to our father David Albahari, that tomb is from our ancestors. It is not known exactly where they came from. According to our cousin Leon Albahari (our cousin), our ancestors came from Turkey to Ruschuk - Bulgaria, and from there, through Thessaloniki and Bitola (Monastir), they moved to other parts, cities and settlements of the Balkans ... "sr
dc.publisherBeograd : R. Albahari Perišićsr
dc.subjectAlbahari, porodica - rodoslovsr
dc.subjectAlbahari, family - genealogysr
dc.titleRodoslovlje porodica Albahari i Levisr
dc.titleGenealogy of the Albahari and Levi familiessr
dcterms.abstractAлбахари-Перишић, Рахела; Родословље породица Aлбахари и Леви; Родословље породица Aлбахари и Леви;
dc.rights.holderTanja Krivokuća, Beogradsr



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