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My encounters with Jews, the fighters

dc.creatorAlbahari-Krivokuća, Judita
dc.description.abstractOva priča i ovo sećanje prati događaje početkom 1941. godine i lične doživljaje autorke teksta, prilikom prvih dana i meseci okupacije zapadne Bosne i Krajine od strane Nemaca. U sve to uvodi nas opisom izbegavanja odlaska u logor Jasenovac, ali i porodičnim bežanjem od Hrvaćana, Drvara, Prijedora, Bosanskog Petrovca pa do Sanskog Mosta. Daje kratke opise prisutnosti Jevreja u ovim bosanskim mestima, a zatim situaciju u slobodnom Drvaru. Živopisno opisujući opšte događaje tih dana, ali i kasnija događanja, posebno atmosferu i svoju sudbinu tokom Pete neprijateljske ofanzive 1943. godine. Daje brojne i bogate opise svojih susreta sa Jevrejima koji su se priključili partizanima i pokretu otpora...Voja Todorović-Lerer, dr Jaša Romano, Moni-Mono Atijas, dr Rahela-Cila Albahari, dr Levi Salamon, Jakica Baruh, Katica Špirer, Nahmijas Sami, Šalom-Mito Albahari, Albert Trinki, dr Knajhapel, dr Binenfeld, dr Kraus....Govori i o Jozefu Albahariju i izvesnom Pesahu koji su, pritisnuti borbom za preživljavanje bili sa četnicima... Opisuje i kasnije godine ratovanja 1944. i 1945., i Šestu neprijateljsku ofanzivu. Pominje i sudbinu bračnog para Naiman, doktorke i njenog muža, Salom Zlatu, Blanku-Blankicu Albahari...potresnu sudbinu Lune-Lunčike Levi i njenog, tada malenog sina.
dc.description.abstractThis story and this memory follow the events at the beginning of 1941 and the personal experiences of the author of the text, during the first days and months of the German occupation of western Bosnia and Krajina. He introduces us to all this by describing the avoidance of going to the Jasenovac camp, but also by escaping from Hrvaćani, Drvar, Prijedor, Bosanski Petrovac to Sanski Most. She gives a short description of the presence of Jews in these Bosnian places, and then the situation in liberated Drvar. She vividly describes the general events of those days, but also later events, especially the atmosphere and his destiny during the Fifth enemy offensive in 1943. She gives numerous and rich descriptions of her meetings with Jews who joined the partisans and the resistance movement ... Voja Todorović-Lerer, Dr Jaša Romano, Moni-Mono Atijas, Dr Rachel-Cila Albahari, Dr Levi Salamon, Jakica Baruch, Katica Špirer, Nahmias Sami, Shalom-Mito Albahari, Albert Trinki, Dr Kneihapel, Dr Binenfeld, Dr Kraus .... She also talks about Jozef Albahari and a certain Pesach who, pressed by the struggle for survival, were with the Chetniks ...She describes later years of warfare...1944 and 1945, and the Six Enemy Offensive. She also mentions the fate of the married couple Naiman, the doctor and her husband, Salo Zlata, Blanka-Blankica Albahari ... the shocking fate of Luna-Lunčika Levi and her, then little son.
dc.publisherBeograd : J. Albahari-Krivokućasr
dc.subjectAlbahari-Krivokuća, Judita (1922-1994) - sećanjasr
dc.subjectAlbahari-Krivokuća, Judita (1922-1994) - memoriessr
dc.subjectJevreji ratnici - u sećanjimasr
dc.subjectJewish warriors - in memoriessr
dc.titleMoji susretu sa Jevrejima ratnicimasr
dc.titleMy encounters with Jews, the fighterssr
dcterms.abstractAлбахари-Кривокућа, Јудита; Моји сусрету са Јеврејима ратницима; Моји сусрету са Јеврејима ратницима;
dc.rights.holderTanja Krivokuća, Beogradsr
dc.description.otherRad "Moji susretu sa Jevrejima ratnicima" (kategorija "Memoarska građa") je otkupljen na 39. konkursu Saveza jevrejskih opstina Jugoslavije 1995. godine (the paper "My seeing with Jewish Warriors" (category "Memoirs") was bought up at the 39th competition of the Federation of Jewish communities of Yugoslavia in 1995).sr



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