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She was our Blanka

dc.creatorAlbahari-Krivokuća, Judita
dc.description.abstractJoš od davnih 1930-ih godina, kada nas je naš dobri otac, u dugim zimskim noćima okupljao oko sebe, pričao nam je najrađe o svom rodnom Tešnju.To su za nas bile neke daleke, nedokučive, ali neizmerno drage priče. Među mnogo imena iz svoje familije koju je spominjao sjetio se i male Blankice. “Najmlađa je. lma samo deset godina, ali najviše batina dobije. Ne sluša, vragolasta je”, rekao je naš otac. Iz tih njegovih riječi kojima nije želio da je ocrni, no da je prikaže veselom, vedrom i bezbrižnom djevojčicom, meni od svih curica u Tešnju, postade najdraža...”
dc.description.abstractEver since the 1930s, when our good father gathered us around him on long winter nights, he used to tell us about his native Tešanj. These were some distant, incomprehensible, but immensely dear stories for us. Among the many names from his family he mentioned, he remembered little Blankica. "She is the youngest. He is only ten years old, but he gets the most beatings. She doesn't listen, she is naughty", said our father. From his words with which he did not want to blacken her, but to show her as a cheerful and carefree girl, she became my favourite of all the girls in Tešanj ...”
dc.publisherBeograd : Judita Albahari-Krivokućasr
dc.subjectJuditaAlbahari- Krivokuća - sećanja (memories)sr
dc.subjectAlbahari, Blanka (1922-1994), u sećanjimasr
dc.titleBila je to naša Blankasr
dc.titleShe was our Blankasr
dcterms.abstractAлбахари-Кривокућа, Јудита; Била је то наша Бланка; Била је то наша Бланка;
dc.rights.holderTanja Krivokuća, Beogradsr
dc.description.otherZa tekst "Bila je to naša Blanka", Judita Albahari je dobila drugu nagradu na 37. nagradnom konkursu Saveza jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije za memoarsku građu (for the text "It was our Blanka", Judita Albahari won the second prize at the 37th prize competition of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia for memoirs).sr



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