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Questions of identity and fear of oblivion in the works of Aleksandar Tišma, Filip David, György Konráad and Végel László

dc.creatorKnežević Perunović, Ruža S.
dc.description.abstractPermanentno osećanje straha i teskobe, iskustvo stradanja, lutanja, stranstvovanja, koji su povezani sa pitanjem jevrejskog identiteta, predstavljaju neke od motiva prisutnih u delima Aleksandra Tišme, Filipa Davida, Đerđa Konrada i Lasla Vegela. U njihovoj prozi prevashodno čitamo o svim bolnim temama koje obuhvataju stradanje u Drugom svetskom ratu: krivici, nasilju, zločinima, odnosu žrtve i dželata, istine, svedoka, izveštavanja, i na kraju zaborava, koji, kao najveća opasnost, nužno dolazi. Sa naročitom pažnjom se ispituje uloga umetnosti u čitavom procesu, bazirana na uverenju da pričanje priče ne sme da stane, jer se neprekidnim podsećanjem na počinjene događaje doprinosi jasnijem sagledavanju istine, u kontekstu uverenja da samo ona vodi ka osvešćenju.sr
dc.description.abstractThe constant feeling of fear and anxiety, the experiences of starvation, wandering and triangulation, related to the issue of Jewish identity, are some of the motives present in the works of Aleksandar Tisma, Filip David, Gyorgy Konrad and Vegel Laszlo. In their prose, we primarily read about all the painful issues that include suffering in the Second World War: guilt, violence, crimes, the relationship between the victim and the executioner( s), truth, testimonies, reporting, and at the very end about the oblivion, which is the greatest danger that necessarily comes out. Particular attention is paid to the role of art in the entire process. That role is based on the belief that storytelling should never stop, since continuous recalling of the past events contributes to a clearer understanding of the truth, in the context of the conviction that the truth is the only one that leads to awareness.sr
dc.publisherNovi Sad : Ruža S. Knežević Perunovićsr
dc.subjectidentitet, jevrejskisr
dc.subjectJewish identitysr
dc.subjectliteratura o Holokaustusr
dc.subjectHolocaust literaturesr
dc.titlePitanje identiteta i strah od zaborava u delu Aleksandra Tišme, Filipa Davida, Đerđa Konrada i Lasla Vegelasr
dc.titleQuestions of identity and fear of oblivion in the works of Aleksandar Tišma, Filip David, György Konráad and Végel Lászlósr
dcterms.abstractКнежевић Перуновић, Ружа С.; Питање идентитета и страх од заборава у делу Aлександра Тишме, Филипа Давида, Ђерђа Конрада и Ласла Вегела; Питање идентитета и страх од заборава у делу Aлександра Тишме, Филипа Давида, Ђерђа Конрада и Ласла Вегела;
dc.description.otherRad je objavljen u Зборнику научних радова "Србистика данас", год. 2, књ. 2, 2017. (the paper was published in the Collection of Scientific Papers "Srbistika danas", vol. 2, no. 2, 2017).sr



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