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Story of the Almozlino and Roth families

dc.creatorRot-Ilić, Mirka
dc.description.abstract"Istražujući podatke o porodici Almozlino, u vezi sa restitucijom, dobila sam ideju da mojoj deci i njihovoj deci, i deci njihove dece ostavim pisane podatke o njihovom poreklu. Nažalost, pretpostavljam iz straha i da bi nas, moju sestru i mene, zaštitili od ponovljenog antisemitizma (predrasude o Jevrejima kao narodu i verskoj grupi), nisam saznala dovoljno od roditelja za vreme njihovog života, o njihovim porodicama, čiji su članovi stradali samo zbog svog porekla. Preko 200 ljudi bliskih rođaka moje majke Ree Almozlino-Rot i mog oca Nikole Rota, stradalo je za vreme Drugog svetskog rata (veći broj u koncentracionim logorima a manji broj u partizanima). Iznosim sve podatke do kojih sam došla tokom petogodišnjeg prikupljanja podataka iz različitih dokumenata pohranjenih u muzejima, arhivama i knjigama, rukopisima moje majke i oca, sačuvanim člancima iz novina... Zapisala sam i svoja sećanja, iz malobrojnih razgovora sa roditeljima o njihovim stradalim. Moji roditelji su izbegavali ove razgovore, pogotovo mama koja je uvek sa dubokom tugom, ljubavi i poštovanjem pričala o svojima. Dugo ni sama nisam znala da sam drugačija, da sam jevrejskog porekla, Jevrejka koja živi u Srbiji. U doba mog odrastanja, kao da poreklo nije bilo važno ili se možda krilo. Danas, sve više nailazim na podozrenje i ljude koji preda mnom, često ne znajući za moje poreklo, okrivljuju Jevreje za svu pošast ovoga sveta. Tada, ne znam da li da se suprotstavim tim idejama ili da branim nešto što je neodbranjivo u ovoj sredini. Možda će ova saga o porodicama koje su bile poštene, vredne, požrtvovane i odane otadžbini, dati najbolji odgovor..."sr
dc.description.abstract"Researching the data on the Almozlino family because of restitution, I got the idea to leave written information about their origin to my children and their children, and the children of their children. Unfortunately, I assume out of fear that they would protect us, my sister and me from repeated anti-Semitism (prejudices about Jews as a people and a religious group), I did not learn enough from my parents during their lives, about their families, whose members died only because of their origins. Over 200 people close relatives of my mother Ree Almozlino-Rot and my father Nikola Rot, died during the Second World War (a larger number in concentration camps and a smaller number in partisans). I present all the data which I found during the five years of collecting from various documents stored in museums, archives and books, manuscripts of my mother and father, preserved newspaper articles ... I also wrote down my memories, from a few conversations with parents about their victims. My parents avoided these conversations, especially my mother who always talked about her family with deep sadness, love and respect. For a long time, I didn't even know that I was different, that I was of Jewish origin, a Jew living in Serbia. At the time I was growing up, it was as if the origin didn't matter or maybe it was hidden. Today, I find more and more suspicion and people in front of me, often unaware of my origin, blame the Jews for all the scourge of this world. Then, I don't know whether to oppose those ideas or to defend something that is indefensible in this environment. Maybe this saga about families who were honest, hardworking, sacrificed and loyal to their homeland will give the best answer ... "sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Mirka Rot-Ilićsr
dc.subjectAlmozlino, porodicasr
dc.subjectAlmozlino, familysr
dc.subjectRot, porodicasr
dc.subjectRoth, familysr
dc.titleSaga o porodicama Almozlino i Rotsr
dc.titleStory of the Almozlino and Roth familiessr
dcterms.abstractРот-Илић, Мирка; Сага о породицама Aлмозлино и Рот; Сага о породицама Aлмозлино и Рот;
dc.rights.holderMirka Rot-Ilićsr

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