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Jewish marriages and divorces

dc.creatorŠvob, Melita
dc.description.abstractŽidovski brakovi nekad i danas i židovska populacija u svijetu, pa i kod nas, prolazi kroz značajne i brze promjene i gotovo svaka generacija živi u drugim društvenim, socijalnim, ekonomskim pa i geografskim uvjetima. No, u posljednje vrijeme jačanje antisemitskih napada na židovske zajednice Europe postaje sve značajniji faktor u njihovom životu ali to je posebna tema. Osnovni trendovi (osim u Izraelu) su starenje židovske populacije, niski fertilitet, znatne migracije i manja vezanost za Judaizam što se povezuje sa porastom mješovitih brakova i velikim brojem djece iz takvih brakova. Odnos prema mješovitim brakovima se razlikuje i danas postaje centralno mjesto istraživanja. Veliki porast mješovitih brakova danas smatra se opasnim za eroziju židovske populacije zbog toga što se djeca iz takovih brakova (ne svih) ne identificiraju i odgajaju u židovstvo . S druge strane, mješoviti se brakovi smatraju znakom uspješne socijalne integracije u društvo, a u zajednicama desetkovanim Holokaustom omogućili su obnovu zajednica i njihov opstanak. Prihvaćanje mješovitih brakova, prema nekim autorima, znak je dobrih društvenih odnosa, smanjuju rasizam, socijalnu segregaciju i antagonizam u zajednicama. Novi oblik životnog partnerstva kojeg nazivaju "Kohabitacija" tj. zajednički život bez službenog vjenčanja (koji je češći kod mlađe generacije i sekularnih Židova), odgađa rađanje djece. Kohabitacija dovodi do smanjenja broja vjenčanja, žene koje ulaze u brak sve su starije i starost žena prilikom prvog poroda je sve veća, a broj djece manji. Pri tome se mora uzeti u obzir i društvena promjena položaja žena, njihova visoka edukacija i ulazak u svijet rada. Danas se svaka židovska zajednica sastoji od nekoliko generacija Židova i svaka je imala i drugačiji status i odnos prema braku, djeci i njihovom odgoju.U ovom radu, koji je dio demografskog istraživanja, pokazali smo nove podatke matičnih knjiga Židovske općine Zagreb i usporedili sa saznanjima iz niza naših istraživanja. Ovi podaci su preliminarni i
dc.description.abstractJewish marriages in the past and now and the Jewish population in the world, even in our country, are going through significant and rapid changes and almost every generation lives in other social, economic and even geographical conditions. But lately, the intensification of anti-Semitic attacks on the Jewish communities of Europe is becoming an increasingly significant factor in their lives but it is a special topic. The main trends (except in Israel) are the ageing of the Jewish population, low fertility, significant migration, and less attachment to Judaism which is associated with an increase in mixed marriages and a large number of children from such marriages. The attitude towards mixed marriages is different and today it is becoming a central place of research. The large increase in mixed marriages today is considered dangerous to the erosion of the Jewish population because children from such marriages (not all) are not identified and raised in Judaism. On the other hand, mixed marriages are considered a sign of successful social integration into society, and in communities decimated by the Holocaust, they have enabled the reconstruction of communities and their survival. Acceptance of mixed marriages, according to some authors, is a sign of good social relations, reducing racism, social segregation and antagonism in communities. A new form of life partnership called "Cohabitation", i.e. living together without a formal wedding (which is more common among the younger generation and secular Jews), delays the birth of children. Cohabitation is leading to a reduction in the number of marriages, women entering into marriage are getting older and the age of women at first childbirth is increasing and the number of children is decreasing. In doing so, the social change in the position of women, their higher education and entry into the world of work must also be taken into account. Today, each Jewish community consists of several generations of Jews and each had a different status and attitude towards marriage, children and their upbringing. from a series of our researches. These data are preliminary and
dc.publisherZagreb : Melita Švobsr
dc.subjectJevreji - brak (Hrvatska)sr
dc.subjectJews - marriage (Croatia)sr
dc.subjectJevreji - razvodi braka (Hrvatska)sr
dc.subjectJews - divorce (Croatia)sr
dc.subjectJevreji - tradicijasr
dc.subjectJews - traditionsr
dc.titleŽidovski brakovi i rastavesr
dc.titleJewish marriages and divorcessr
dcterms.abstractШвоб, Мелита; Жидовски бракови и раставе; Жидовски бракови и раставе;
dc.rights.holderMelita Švobsr



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