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Jews in Croatia: upgrade of the Research and Documentation Centre victim database

dc.creatorŠvob, Melita
dc.description.abstractOsnovna zadaća ove knjige je da svaka žrtva Holokausta u Hrvatskoj ima svoje ime i prezime, ali i da, koliko je to moguće, znamo i gdje je živjela te kada i gdje je stradala. Do tih podataka smo došli nakon dvadesetak godina rada na našoj bazi podataka u Istraživačkom i dokumentacijskom centru u Židovskoj općini u Zagrebu. Taj rad je započet 2000. godine. Najprije smo istražili i napravili bazu podataka o članovima Židovske općine u Zagrebu (dr. Švob Melita i ing. Zoran Mirković) koju smo kasnije dopunili podacima o ostalim židovskim općinama u Hrvatskoj i publicirali u knjizi Melite Švob "Židovi u Hrvatskoj - Židovske zajednice 2004. godine". Nova kompjutorska baza (ing. Goran Vlahović) je 2007. godine stavljena na Internet uz mogućnost korekcije i dopune podataka. Tokom narednih 15 godina, od preživjelih članova obitelji, prijatelja stradalih i institucija, primili smo tisuće upita, dopuna i korekcija podataka, koje smo uz potporu projekata Claims Conference, unosili u bazu. Nova, ispravljena baza, rađena je u suradnji i poslana je u Yad Vashem i nalazi se na našoj WEB stranici. Štampana verzija baze nužno je potrebna jer se još uvijek koriste i citiraju podaci iz knjige štampane daleke 2004.godine. U ovoj knjizi, nalaze se ispravljeni podaci baze podataka o žrtvama Holokausta u Hrvatskoj u svih 30 židovskih općina koje su nekada postojale u
dc.description.abstractIn this book, we made research on 30 Jewish communities which existed before the Second World War and most of their members lost their lives in the Holocaust. Only 10 of the communities succeeded to renew their activity after the war. We have given a list of the names of Jews who perished in the Holocaust. There were difficulties in collecting the data, ranging from differences in ways of recording evidence to variations in the ways of recording Jewish names. We tried to give a short account of each community and its institution. In this part of the job we faced great problems in collecting information from communities that had ceased to exist, and in some places, there were no Jew more. We were not able, because of the size and aim of the book, to describe many and varied activities of the community and how they contributed to the cultural and economical life of the society. They were done in precisions monographic work of another researcher. We searched in the literature for work, which might in a common way, from the same start year, provide a description of every Jewish community in Croatia. The most reliable record is those from the year 1930 compiled by the rabbinate for the "Jevrejski almanah" (Jewish almanac) which record not only the number of members but also information on the building date of the synagogue, on graveyards, institution, names of presidents, rabbis and also has additional information. We also wrote an introductory text for each community. The number of Jews, according to the censuses, is shown by graphs. Figure for year 1940 come from the "Spomenica Saveza Jevrejskih opština" 1919-1969. For each community, we have given a list (Table) of those who were victims of the Holocaust. These lists are results of the work on correction of the database made and published in the 2004 year which is corrected with the help of many letters and from survivors who are searching for the destiny about their family members and friends. We have not only shown the victims but also their life and activities before they became victims. In Croatia, about 80% of the Jewish population has been killed in Holocaust and a big prosperous community was destroyed. Here are only several examples of what happened in the
dc.publisherZagreb : M-printsr
dc.subjectHolokaust - Hrvatskasr
dc.subjectHolocaust - Croatiasr
dc.subjectHolokaust - žrtve (Hrvatska)sr
dc.subjectHolocaust - victims (Croatia)sr
dc.subjectJevreji - Hrvatska
dc.subjectJews - Croatia
dc.titleŽidovi u Hrvatskoj: baza podataka Istraživačkog i dokumentacijskog centra CENDO: korekcije i dopunesr
dc.titleJews in Croatia: upgrade of the Research and Documentation Centre victim databasesr
dcterms.abstractШвоб, Мелита; Жидови у Хрватској: база података Истраживачког и документацијског центра ЦЕНДО: корекције и допуне; Жидови у Хрватској: база података Истраживачког и документацијског центра ЦЕНДО: корекције и допуне;
dc.description.otherProjekt Claims Conference No. 20453 (SO 55).sr
dc.description.otherKnjiga je dostupna i na sajtu CENDO na adresi []

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