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Serbs of Moses' faith for the Glory and Freedom of Serbia 1912-1918

dc.creatorSalom, Davor
dc.description.abstractOvo je dopunjena verzija rada koji je nastao povodom obeležavanja 100-te godišnjice od početka Prvog svetskog rata, u okrilju jevrejske zajednice, sa željom da se prikaže nemalo učešća Jevreja u srpskim oslobodilačkim ratovima, počev od Srpsko-turskog rata 1876. godine pa do Prvog svetskog rata. Uz kratka navođenja društveno-pravnog položaja Jevreja u zajednicama na prostoru Balkana tog vremena, kao o njihovim vojnim pravima i obavezama još od Ustava Kneževine Srbije iz 1869. godine, u prezentaciji se daju kratki prikazi i biografije zaslužnih Jevreja koji su za svoje učešće u ratovima za slobodu Srbije nagrađivani različitim ordenjem - od Takovskog krsta do Karađorđeve zvezde. Kroz brojne fotografije prikazani su ti srpski jevrejski ratnici i opisane njihove ratne sudbine, od trubača Beogradskog konjičkog eskadrona, do pripadnika proslavljenog bataljona "1.300 kaplara". Ova prezentacija održana je na Zoom Šabat druženju, u petak 6. avgusta 2021., na temu i pod naslovom "Srbi Mojsijeve vere u Velikom ratu", koju je istražio i pripremio Davor Salom.sr
dc.description.abstractThis is an updated version of the presentation which was created to mark the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the First World War, under the auspices of the Jewish community, with the desire to show the considerable participation of Jews in the Serbian liberation wars, starting from the Serbian-Turkish war in 1876 until the First World War. Along with brief statements of the social and legal position of Jews in the communities of the Balkans at that time, as their military rights and obligations since the Constitution of the Principality of Serbia from 1869, the paper gives brief notice and biographies of deserving Jews who participated in the wars for freedom. Serbia awarded the Takovski Cross to Karadjordj's Star. Through numerous photographs, these Serbian Jewish warriors are shown and their war destinies are described, from the trumpeters of the Belgrade Cavalry Squadron to the members of the celebrated battalion "1.300 kaplara" (1,300 Corporals). This presentation was held at the Zoom Shabbat gathering, on Friday, August 6, 2021, on the topic and under the title "Serbs of Moses' Faith in the Great War", which was researched and prepared by Davor Salom.
dc.publisherBeograd : D. Salomsr
dc.subjectJevreji - Srbija (1912-1918)sr
dc.subjectJews - Serbia (1912-1918)sr
dc.subjectJevreji - Prvi balkanski rat 1912-1913sr
dc.subjectJews - First Balkan War 1912-1913sr
dc.subjectJevreji - Drugi balkanski rat 1913sr
dc.subjectJews - Second Balkan War 1913sr
dc.subjectJevreji - Prvi svetski rat 1914-1918 (Srbija)sr
dc.subjectJews - First World War 1914-1918 (Serbiasr
dc.subjectJevreji - žrtve ratova (Srbija)sr
dc.subjectJews - victims of wars (Serbia)sr
dc.subjectJevreji - heroji (Srbija)sr
dc.subjectJews - heroes (Serbia)sr
dc.titleSrbi Mojsijeve vere za Slavu i Slobodu Srbije 1912-1918sr
dc.titleSerbs of Moses' faith for the Glory and Freedom of Serbia 1912-1918sr
dcterms.abstractСалом, Давор; Срби Мојсијеве вере за Славу и Слободу Србије 1912-1918; Срби Мојсијеве вере за Славу и Слободу Србије 1912-1918;
dc.rights.holderDavor Salomsr
dc.description.otherPoverpoint prezentacija (Power Point Presentation).sr



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