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My past from 4 to 14 years - my ten lost years, and something else…

dc.creatorAlbahari, Avi
dc.description.abstractJedna intimna, topla i ljudska priča i ispovijest, o tada dječaku Albahari Avi Avrahamu, i tragičnih deset godina njegovog djetinjstva u vrijeme Drugog svjetskog rata, koje su mu oduzele roditelje, djetinjstvo i normalan život. Ispričana od samog aktera koji sada živi u Izraelu, ona prati njegovo odrastanje, tragediju rata koja mu oduzima oca i majku, skrivanje kao dijete u Sarajevu, odlazak u Split kod porodice, pa potom potucanje po domovima u Splitu. Doček kraja rata, povratak u Sarajevo, lijepi i manje lijepi trenuci iz tog dijela života, a potom odlazak u Beograd, ponovo u dom, i konačno odlazak za Izrael. Šta jedno dijete od nepunih 14 godina može proživjeti i doživjeti u novoj sredini, među novim, ponekim i poznatim ljudima, vrijeme u kubucu, i konačno sretni trenutci života koji započinju zasnivanjem porodice sa suprugom Mirom, pa onda djeca, unuci, keramika.... .sr
dc.description.abstractAn intimate, warm, and human story and confession, about the boy Albahari Avi Avraham, and the tragic ten years of his childhood during World War II, which took away his parents, childhood, and normal life. Told by the actor who now lives in Israel, it follows his growing up, the tragedy of the war that takes away his father and mother, hiding as a child in Sarajevo, going to Split with his family, and then hard life in Split. At the end of the war, he returned to Sarajevo, he had beautiful and less beautiful moments from that part of life, and then going to Belgrade, back orphanage, and finally leaving for Israel. What a child of fewer than 14 years can live and experience in a new environment, among new, some and known people ... time in a kibbutz, and finally happy moments of life that begin with starting a family with his wife Mira, and then children, grandchildren,
dc.publisherHadera : Avi Albaharisr
dc.subjectAlbahari, Avi (Bato) - biografijasr
dc.subjectAlbahari, Avi (Bato) - biographysr
dc.titleMoja prošlost od 4 do 14 godina - mojih deset izgubljenih godina, i još po nešto…sr
dc.titleMy past from 4 to 14 years - my ten lost years, and something else…sr
dcterms.abstractAлбахари, Aлберт Aврахам; Моја прошлост од 4 до 14 година - мојих десет изгубљених година, и још по нешто…; Моја прошлост од 4 до 14 година - мојих десет изгубљених година, и још по нешто…;
dcterms.abstractAлбахари, Aви; Моја прошлост од 4 до 14 година - мојих десет изгубљених година, и још по нешто…; Моја прошлост од 4 до 14 година - мојих десет изгубљених година, и још по нешто…;
dc.rights.holderAvi Albaharisr
dc.description.otherPriča je u kraćoj verziji objavljena u listu MOST Bilten udruženja useljenika iz bivše Jugoslavije u Izraelu, broj 2, Vanredno izdanje, 24. april 2017., pod naslovom Albahari Albert Avraham (the story was published in a shorter version in the newspaper MOST Bulletin of the Association of Immigrants from the Former Yugoslavia in Israel, No. 2, Special Edition, April 24, 2017, under the title Albahari Albert Avraham).sr

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