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Archival material on Jews in Serbia: travels of Serbian Jews in the last century

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.creatorAlkalaj, Isak
dc.description.abstractPrvi deo rada o arhivskoj građi o Jevrejima u Srbiji Dr Alkalaj objavio je u Jevrejskom almanahu za godinu 5688 (1927-1928). Pošto je građa veoma obimna, podeljena je u tri godišta Jevrejskog almanaha (III, IV i V) i objavljivana u nastavcima. Ovaj vredni rad vrhovnog rabina dr Isaka Alkalaja opisuje arhivsku građu koja je postojala u Državnoj arhivi osnovanoj još 1900. godine. U Arhivu su bili čuvani mnogi važni dokumenti koji su, na žalost, za vreme Prvog svetskog rata uništeni, zaplenjeni i zauvek propali. Među tim dokumentima nalazio se i veliki broj onih koji su se neposredno ili posredno odnosili na Jevreje. Ipak, deo ovih dokumenata spasen je od zaborava jer su ih pojedini naučnici koji su prikupljali građu o prošlosti Jevreja sačuvali u svojim zabeleška a delom i štampali. Naročito je značajan rad poznatog etnologa i folkloriste, univerzitetskog profesora dr Tihomira R. Đorđevića, koji je obradio i objavio najveći deo te predratne Arhive u svojim kulturnim i istorijskim spisima i raspravama. U petom godištu "Almanaha" objavljene su nove i interesantne pojedinosti iz jednog dokumenta iz Državne arhive kojima se dopunjuje slika jevrejskog života i rada u Srbiji. To je Registar u kome su nabrojana imena i prezimena putnika kroz Beograd i Srbiju u periodu od 13. juna 1834. do 14. jula 1836. godine. Registar je zanimljiv zbog toga što se u njemu nalazi nesrazmerno veliki broj putnika Jevreja. Od 4650 imena koliko ih ima u Registru, Jevreja je preko 600 i uglavnom su skoro svi bili stanovnici
dc.description.abstractThe first part of the work on archival material about Jews in Serbia was published by Dr. Alkalaj in the "Jewish Almanac for the year 5688 (1927-1928)". Since the material is very extensive, it was divided into three volumes of the Jewish Almanac (III, IV, and V) and continuously published. This valuable work of the chief rabbi Dr. Isac Alcalay describes the archival material that existed in the State Archives founded in 1900. Many important documents were kept in the Archive, which, unfortunately, were confiscated and forever destroyed during the First World War. Among those documents were a large number of those who directly or indirectly referred to Jews. However, some of these documents were saved from oblivion because some scholars who collected material on the past of the Jews kept them in their notes and partly printed them. The work of the well-known ethnologist and folklorist, university professor Dr. Tihomir R. Đorđević, who processed and published most of the pre-war Archive in his cultural and historical writings and discussions, is especially significant. In the fifth volume of the "Almanac", new and interesting details were published from a document from the State Archives, which complements the picture of Jewish life and work in Serbia. It is a Register in which the names and surnames of passengers through Belgrade and Serbia in the period from June 13, 1834, to July 14, 1836, are listed. The register is interesting because it contains a disproportionately large number of Jewish travelers. Out of 4650 names in the Register, there are over 600 Jews and almost all of them were residents of
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H.
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5690 (1929/30)sr
dc.subjectJevreji - putnici (Srbija)sr
dc.subjectJews - passengers (Serbia)sr
dc.subjectJevreji - arhivska građa (Srbija)sr
dc.subjectJews - archival material (Serbia)sr
dc.titleArhivska građa o Jevrejima u Srbiji: putovanja srpskih Jevreja u prošlom vekusr
dc.titleArchival material on Jews in Serbia: travels of Serbian Jews in the last centurysr
dcterms.abstractAлкалај, Исак; Aрхивска грађа о Јеврејима у Србији: путовања српских Јевреја у прошлом веку; Aрхивска грађа о Јеврејима у Србији: путовања српских Јевреја у прошлом веку;

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