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Merit of the Jews for medical science

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.creatorWeszel, Samuel
dc.description.abstract"Zasluga Jevreja za medicinsku znanost" je deo predavanja nadrabina dr Sameula Weszel-a. Dr Weszel smatra da je kroz dve hiljade godina jevrejske istorije u izgnanstvu, život i rad jevrejskih lekara bio jedina svetla tačka. Jevrejski lekari bili su spona između Jevreja i drugih naroda. Koliko je rad jevrejskih lekara bio značajan pokazuju istorijske činjenice. Iako je jedan od crkvenih koncila zabranio da jevrejski ljekari leče nejevrejske bolesnike, već slijedeći koncil bio je prisiljen da ovu odluku ublaži i dozvoli jevrejskim lekarima ograničeno lečenje. Dr Weszel podseća na mnogobrojne primere u kojima su jevrejski lekari pružali pomoć pacijentima bez obzira na njihovu religiju ili materijalni status. Tako je npr. Franjo Prvi, kralj Francuske tražio da ga leči jevrejski lekar; čak je i veliki broj papa imao jevrejske lekare. Jevrejski lekari su vekovima bili i učenici i učitelji. Za vreme Harun-al-Rašida poznati učitelj bio je jevrejski Iekar Sahl u Bagdadu. Broj njegovih učenika bio je tako velik pa je svoja predavanja držao na otvorenom trgu. Njegov sin je takođe bio znameniti lekar. U Kajruvanu, u središtu muslimanskih naroda Afrike, postojala je jevrejska medicinska škola, koja je u periodu od tri veka proizvela svetski poznate lekare. Kao primer naveden je Isak Izraeli koji je živeo i delovao u desetom veku. Njegova knjiga o dijetetici bila je šest stotina godina kasnije prevedena sa arapskog na latinski i ponovo objavljena za potrebe lekara u Lajdenu. Nadalje se ističu poznata imena: slavnog lekara i filozofa Maimonidesa (Rambam) koji je bio lekar velikog sultana Saladina, lekara i pesnika Jude Halevija, naučnika Profatiusa koji je kao dekan upravljao medicinskom školom u Monpeljeu, lekara carigradskog sultana Tobie Kohena, lekara Loansa koji je lečio Fridriha III i podučavao hebrejski jezik velikog naučnika i humanistu Reuchlina. U XV veku bilo je poznato nekoliko jevrejskih žena: veliki ugled je kao očni lekar u Frankfurtu stekla Jevrejka imenom Zoslin, zatim Jevrejka Sara kojoj je bilo dozvoljeno vršenje lekarske prakse i Rebeka koja je završila univerzitet u Salernu i objavila knjigu o groznicu i druge naučne medicinske radove. U novije vreme bila je poznata i Jevrejka dr Aleta Jakobs (Aletta Henriëtte Jacobs, 1854-1929) prva žena lekar koja je pohađala univerzitet u Holandiji i bila na čelu pokreta za prava žena. Autor spominje i slavna imena lekara iz bliske prošlosti: Frankla, Schnitzlera, Ehrlicha, Freuda, Nordaua, Herzla, velikog hirurga Israela kao i zaslužne lekare u Kraljevini SHS. Dr Wezsel zaključuje da su jevrejski lekari primali i davali znanja Istoka i zapada, sakupljali, prevodili i sačuvali naučno blago starog veka i uvek se isticali na polju javnog, humanitarnog i kulurnog
dc.description.abstract"The Merit of the Jews for Medical Science" is part of a lecture by Dr. Sameul Weszel. Dr. Weszel believes that through two thousand years of Jewish history in exile, the life and work of Jewish physicians have been the only bright spot. Jewish doctors were a link between Jews and other nations. Historical facts show how important the work of Jewish doctors was. Although one of the church councils forbade Jewish doctors to treat non-Jewish patients, the next council was forced to moderate this decision and allow Jewish doctors limited treatment. Dr. Weszel reminds numerous examples in which Jewish physicians provided assistance to patients regardless of their religion or material status. Thus, e.g. Francis I, King of France, sought to be treated by a Jewish physician; even a large number of popes had Jewish doctors. Jewish physicians have been students and teachers for centuries. During Harun al-Rashid, the famous teacher was the Jewish doctor Sahl in Baghdad. The number of his students was so large that he gave his lectures in the open square. His son was also a famous doctor. In Kairouvan, in the center of the Muslim peoples of Africa, a Jewish medical school was created, which produced world-famous doctors for a period of three centuries. An example is Isaac of Israel, who lived and worked in the tenth century. His book on dietetics was translated from Arabic into Latin six hundred years later and republished for physicians in Leiden. Furthermore, famous names stand out: the famous physician and philosopher Maimonides (Rambam) who was the physician of the great Sultan Saladin, the physician, and poet Jude Halevi, the scientist Profatius who as dean ran the medical school in Montpellier, the physician of the Sultan of Constantinople Tobias Cohen, the physician Loans who treated Frederick III and taught Hebrew to the great scientist and humanist Reuchlin. In the 15th century, a few Jewish women were famous - a Jewess named Zoslin gained a great reputation in Frankfurt as an ophthalmologist; a Jewess named Sara, who was allowed to practice medicine, and Rebecca, who graduated from the University of Salerno and published a book on fever and other scientific medical papers. In recent times, the Jewess Dr. Aletta Henriëtte Jacobs (1854-1929) was also known as the first woman doctor to attend a university in the Netherlands and to lead the women's rights movement. The author also mentions the famous names of doctors from the recent past: Frankl, Schnitzler, Ehrlich, Freud, Nordau, Herzl, the great surgeon Israel, as well as to deserving doctors in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Dr. Wezsel concludes that Jewish physicians received and gave knowledge of the East and the West, collected, translated, and preserved the scientific treasures of the ancient world, and always standing out in the field of public, humanitarian, and cultural
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H.
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5690 (1929/30)sr
dc.subjectJevreji - medicinasr
dc.subjectJews - medicinesr
dc.subjectJevreji - lekarisr
dc.subjectJews - physicianssr
dc.titleZasluga Jevreja za medicinsku znanostsr
dc.titleMerit of the Jews for medical sciencesr
dcterms.abstractWесзел, Самуел; Заслуга Јевреја за медицинску знаност; Заслуга Јевреја за медицинску знаност;

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