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Something about the relations of Judaism towards philosophy

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.creatorRoth, Lazar
dc.description.abstractNadrabin dr Lazar Roth smatra da su jevrejstvo i filozofska istraživanja bili oduvek u tesnoj vezi. Filozofija kao traženje "najvišeg blaga" ili kao traženje veze našeg ličnog postojanja zanimala je još starojevrejske proroke. Proročko je i samo traženje velike misli, koja obuhvata ceo svet. Jevrejstvo nije nikada prestajalo da traži poslednji, krajnji uzrok sveta, i u mišljenju proroka vasiona se izgrađuje u kosmos, u razumnu celinu. Uporedo sa ovim svetskim razumom ide i druga misao: čovečanstvo kao celina, kao razumni makrokosmos. Po mišljenju proroka, to je ujedinjena viša moralna zajednica, bogata osećanjima društvene simpatije, u kojoj je vrlina saznanja, bogotraženja najviši zadatak (intelektualizam). U ovom društvu kao celini vladaju visoka osećanja uzajamne pomoći; sav rad pojedinaca nalazi se u službi sveopštega. Jevrejstvo je proklamovalo jedinstvo sveta u duhu, učinilo korak napred iz politeističkog haosa ka kosmosu, te ujedno stvorilo mogućnost za jednu etiku. Stvorilo je osnove etike koja, kao jedinstvena nauka, uvek teži da idealistički utiče na filozofiju. Otuda potiče i ogroman istorijski doprinos koji su Jevreji imali u filozofskom istraživanju. Dr Roth navodi imena poznatih filozofa kao što su Henri Bergson, Leon Halevy, Levy Brühl, Brunswigk, Rene Worms, Dürkheim, Joel (Basel), Ernst Cassirer i još mnogi drugi. U ovom radu analizira filozofsku misao Hermana Cohen-a (1842-1918?), koji nije bio samo Jevrejin koji se bavio filozofiranjem, nego i jevrejski filozof za koga je religija proroka bila uzvišena. Radovi Hermnna Cohena čine osnov neokantovske filozofije. On je razumeo duboku idealističku crtu jevrejstva, pogled na svet uopšte, gde život postaje svetinja a svet božanski. Dr Roth analizira nekoliko misli ovog velikog mislioca naročito iz njegove "Etike" i "Nauke o državi". Proroštvo, vera u mesijanski poziv jevrejske religije, srodilo se kod Cohena u jedinstvo ideje. On veruje u pobedu etike jevrejstva i njeno priznanje.sr
dc.description.abstractSenior rabbi Dr. Lazar Roth believes that Judaism and philosophical research have always been closely related. Philosophy as a search for the "highest treasure" or as a search for the connection of our personal existence was of interest to the ancient Jewish prophets. It is also prophetic to search for a great thought, which encompasses the whole world. Judaism has never ceased to search for the last, ultimate cause of the world, and in the opinion of the prophets, the universe is being built into the cosmos, into a rational whole. Along with this world, the reason is another thought: humanity as a whole, as a reasonable macrocosm. According to the prophets, it is a united higher moral community, rich in feelings of social sympathy, in which the virtue of knowledge and worship is the highest task (intellectualism). In this society as a whole, high feelings of mutual aid reign; all the work of individuals is in the service of the universal. Judaism proclaimed the unity of the world in spirit, took a step forward from polytheistic chaos to the cosmos, and at the same time created the possibility of an ethic. It has created the foundations of ethics which, as a unique science, always strives to ideally influence philosophy. That's it comes from the enormous historical contribution that the Jews had in philosophical research. Dr. Roth cites the names of famous philosophers such as Henri Bergson, Leon Halevy, Levy Brühl, Brunswick, Rene Worms, Dürkheim, Joel (Basel), Ernst Cassirer and many others. In this paper, he analyzes the philosophical thought of Herman Cohen (1842-1918?), who was not only a Jew engaged in philosophizing but also a Jewish philosopher for whom the religion of the prophet was sublime. The works of Hermann Cohen form the basis of Neo-Kantian philosophy. He understood the deep idealistic trait of Judaism, the view of the world in general, where life becomes sacred and the world divine. Dr. Roth analyzes several thoughts of this great thinker, especially from his "Ethics" and "Science of the State". Prophecy, faith in the messianic vocation of the Jewish religion, was born in Cohen into the unity of the idea. He believes in the victory of the ethics of Judaism and its recognition.sr
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H. S.sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5690 (1929/30)sr
dc.subjectJudaizam - filozofijasr
dc.subjectJudaism - philosophysr
dc.subjectHerman Cohen (1842-1918?), filozofsr
dc.subjectHerman Koen (1842-1918?), philosophersr
dc.titleNešto o odnosima Jevrejstva prema filozofijisr
dc.titleSomething about the relations of Judaism towards philosophysr
dcterms.abstractРотх, Лазар; Нешто о односима Јеврејства према филозофији; Нешто о односима Јеврејства према филозофији;
dcterms.abstractРотх, Лазар; Нешто о односима Јеврејства према филозофији; Нешто о односима Јеврејства према филозофији;



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