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The origin of thoughts on peace

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.creatorGuttmann, Simon
dc.description.abstractNadrabin dr Simon Guttmann smatra da još od najstarijih vremena u svetskoj kulturnoj istoriji pitanje rata i mira zauzima jedno od najvažnijih mesta. Suština pitanja je šta je rat? Da li je rat neodvojivi deo ljudskog života ili je moguće i takvo stanje čovečanstva, u kom bi mogućnost ratovanja bila sasvim isključena. Ovoj temi se pristupalo sa filozofskog, političkog i etičkog gledišta. Dr Guttmann u tekstu o "Poreklu misli o miru" razmatra jevrejski moralni pogled na svet na osnovu biblijskih priča i zakona i na osnovu literarnih učenja posle Biblije. Kroz analizu o misli i duhu mira, o proročkoj i pesničkoj književnosti, a potom i o književnosti posle Biblije autor smatra da je Biblija knjiga čovečanstva čija učenja o težnji za mirom trebaju da prožimaju celokupno čovečanstvo. Kao rezultat dosadašnjeg istraživanja naglašava da je misao o miru vodeća misao Biblije i verske književnosti posle Biblije.sr
dc.description.abstractSenior rabbi Dr. Simon Guttmann believes that the question of war and peace has occupied one of the most important places in the world's cultural history since the earliest times. The essence of the question is what is war? Is war an inseparable part of human life, or is such a state of humanity possible, in which the possibility of war would be completely ruled out. This topic was approached from a philosophical, political, and ethical point of view. In his text on the "Origin of the Thought of Peace," Dr. Guttmann discusses the Jewish moral view of the world based on biblical stories and laws and on literary teachings after the Bible. Through the analysis of the thought and spirit of peace, of prophetic and poetic literature, and then of literature after the Bible, the author believes that the Bible is a book of humanity whose teachings on the pursuit of peace should permeate all humanity. As a result of the research so far, he emphasizes that the thought of peace is the leading thought of the Bible and religious literature after the Biblesr
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H. S.sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5690 (1929/30)sr
dc.subjectJudaizam - ratsr
dc.subjectJudaism - warsr
dc.subjectJudaizam - mirsr
dc.subjectJudaism - peacesr
dc.subjectBiblija - ratsr
dc.subjectBible - peacesr
dc.titlePoreklo misli o mirusr
dc.titleThe origin of thoughts on peacesr
dcterms.abstractГуттманн, Симон; Порекло мисли о миру; Порекло мисли о миру;



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