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Position of Jews in the Ottoman Empire from the 16th to the 18th century: Master's thesis

dc.contributorMiljković, Ema
dc.creatorVeselinović, Srđan
dc.description.abstractRetko se neki narod može pohvaliti tako dugom i tako burnom istorijom kao što je ima jevrejski narod. Prve pisane podatke o Jevrejima nalazimo još u XV veku pre Hrista. I svaki period počev od tog vremena pa do naših dana zanimljiv je sam po sebi, sa svojim specifikumima. Ono na šta će se konkretno obratiti pažnju u ovom radu biće period Osmanskog carstva, konkretno od početka XVI do kraja XVIII veka. Pokušaćemo da prikažemo položaj Jevreja u Carstvu, kako su bili prihvaćeni, tretirani, kakve su bile mogućnosti za njihovo svakodnevno funkcionisanje, školovanje, poslovanje i sve ono što prati život jedne zajednice. Pa, ako je moguće, i razbijanje određenih stereotipa (ukoliko ih ima) vezanih za taj period i tu sredinu. Istoriografskih podataka za samo Osmansko carstvo, pa i za istoriju jevrejskog naroda uopšte ima dosta, kao i tumačenja vezana za islam i shvatanje života i društva islamske zajednice i jedne velike islamske države. Ovaj rad predstavlja sintezu podataka, istorijskih i verskih, nađenih kod eminentnih istoričara i poznavaoca religije.sr
dc.description.abstractRarely one nation can praise such a long and turbulent history as the Jewish people. We find the first written information about the Jews in the 15th century BC. And every period from that time to the present day is interesting in itself, with its specifics. What will be specifically addressed in this paper will be the period of the Ottoman Empire, specifically from the beginning of the 16th to the end of the 18th century. We will try to show the position of the Jews in the Kingdom, how they were accepted, treated, what were the possibilities for their daily functioning, schooling, business, and everything that accompanies the life of a community. Well, if possible, breaking certain stereotypes (if any) related to that period and that environment. There is a lot of historiographical data for the Ottoman Empire itself, and for the history of the Jewish people in general, as well as interpretations related to Islam and the understanding of the life and society of the Islamic community and one great Islamic state. This paper presents a synthesis of data, historical and religious, found in eminent historians and experts of religion.sr
dc.publisherNiš : Filozofski fakultet. Departman za istorijusr
dc.subjectJevreji - Osmansko carstvosr
dc.subjectJews - Ottoman Empiresr
dc.titlePoložaj Jevreja u Osmanskom carstvu od XVI do XVIII veka: magistarski radsr
dc.titlePosition of Jews in the Ottoman Empire from the 16th to the 18th century: Master's thesissr
dcterms.abstractВеселиновић, Срђан;
dcterms.abstractВеселиновић, Срђан;



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