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Decree on the settlement of Jews in Varaždin

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.creatorGlück, Rudolf
dc.description.abstractNadrabin dr Rudolf Glück u svom radu prezentovao je istorijske činjenice i dokumente koji su značajni za osnivanje Židovske općine u Varaždinu. Tadašnji socijalni položaj Jevreja poboljšao je "Toleranzpatent" koji je izašao u januaru 1782. godine. Ovaj ukaz o toleranciji bio je deo reformi cara Josifa II, koje su diskriminisanim manjinama u austrijskim naslednim zemljama omogućile slobodnije ispovedanje svoje religije. Za Jevreje je nastupilo znatno poboljšanje, osobito u socijalnom položaju. Između ostalog nisu više morali nositi ponižavajuće oznake i odeću, mogli su se slobodno kretati, obnovljeno im je pravo da se školuju, dobili su slobodu izbora zanata i trgovine… Bez obzira na nove slobode, mnoge zabrane su i dalje ostale - zabrana osnivanja opština, držanje javnog bogosluženja, postojanje javnih sinagoga, sticanje imanja i kuća, zasnivanje braka sa strancima, primanje novih članove u svoje zajednice... Jevreji u Varaždinu imali su istu sudbinu kao i njihovi sunarodnici u Austriji i Ugarskoj. Od 1777. godine od kada su se u tom mestu naselili prvi Jevreji, više puta su donošeni i povlačeni nalozi za njihov izgon ili dalji boravak. Ovo nesnosno i teško stanje za Jevreje trajalo je sve do 1807. godine, kada je 29 nastanjenih jevrejskih porodica dobilo Dekret o nastanjenju (Einsiedlungsdekret). Dekret je imao 5 poglavlja i 72 paragrafa i u njemu su poimenično navedene poorodice koje su dobile pravo stanovanja u gradu Varaždinu. Ali i ovaj dekret doneo je Jevrejima Varaždina mnoga gorka razočaranja. Postupci vlade a naročito nekih službenika gradskog magistrata, koji su mrzili Jevreje, imali su tendenciju da osujete povećanje useljenika, čak i da umanje njihov postojeći broj i otežaju njihov socijalni napredak. Veliki broj naredbi spomenutog edikta, kao i njihov sadržaj jasno pokazuju opravdanost ove tvrdnje. Posebno se ističe naredba kojom se zabranjuje kćerima i udovicama da se udaju za stranca koji bi hteo da ostane i osnuje porodicu u Varaždinu. Ipak, uprkos svemu, ovaj dekret je dozvolio Jevrejima gradnju sinagoge, službu rabina i šahtera i osnivanje jevrejske opštine. U prilogu rada naveden je tekst Dekreta o naseljenju Varaždinske židovske općine.sr
dc.description.abstractIn his work, senior rabbi Dr. Rudolf Glück presented historical facts and documents that are important for the establishment of the Jewish community in Varaždin. The former social position of the Jews was improved by "Toleranzpatent", which was published in January 1782. This decree on tolerance was part of the reforms of Emperor Joseph II, which enabled discriminated minorities in the Austrian hereditary countries to practice their religion more freely. There has been a significant improvement for Jews, especially in the social situation. Among other things, they no longer had to wear humiliating badges and clothes, they were able to move freely, their right to school was renewed, they were given the freedom to choose crafts and trade… Despite the new freedoms, many prohibitions still remain - the ban on founding communities, holding public worship, the existence of public synagogues, acquiring property and houses, marrying foreigners, admitting new members to their communities ... Jews in Varaždin had the same fate as their compatriots in Austria and Hungary. Since 1777, when the first Jews settled in that place, orders for their expulsion or further stay have been issued and withdrawn several times. This unbearable and difficult situation for the Jews lasted until 1807 when 29 inhabited Jewish families received the Decree of Settlement (Einsiedlungsdekret). The decree had 5 chapters and 72 paragraphs and it listed the families who were given the right to live in the city of Varaždin. But this decree also brought many bitter disappointments to the Jews of Varaždin. The actions of the government, and especially of some city magistrates, who hated Jews, tended to thwart the increase in immigrants, even to reduce their existing numbers and make worse their social progress. A large number of orders of the mentioned edict, as well as their content, clearly show the justification of this claim. The order forbidding daughters and widows from marrying a foreigner who would like to stay and have a family in Varaždin stands out. Nevertheless, this decree allowed the Jews to build a synagogue, serve as rabbis and schechter, and establish a Jewish community. The text of the Decree on the Settlement of the Varaždin Jewish Community is attached to the paper.sr
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H. S.sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5689 (1928/29)sr
dc.subjectJevreji - Varaždinsr
dc.subjectJews - Varaždinsr
dc.subjectToleranzpatent (1782)sr
dc.subjectDekret o naseljavanju - Varaždinsr
dc.subjectDecree of Settlement (Einsiedlungsdekret) - Varaždinsr
dc.subjectDekreta o naseljenju Varaždinske židovske općine (1807)sr
dc.subjectDecree on the Settlement of the Varaždin Jewish Community (1807)sr
dc.titleDekret o naseljenju Židova u Varaždinusr
dc.titleDecree on the settlement of Jews in Varaždinsr
dcterms.abstractГлüцк, Рудолф; Декрет о насељењу Жидова у Вараждину; Декрет о насељењу Жидова у Вараждину;
dc.description.otherČlanak sadrži tekst Dekreta o naseljenju Varaždinske židovske općine iz 1807. godine (The article contains the text of the Decree on the settlement of the Varaždin Jewish community from 1807).sr



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