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Cultural development of the Jewish woman in Serbia

dc.creatorDe Majo, Jelena
dc.description.abstractJelena de Majo (1876-1942) značajno je uticala na emancipaciju žena u društvu punom predrasuda. Bila je bila na čelu "Jevrejskog ženskog društva", prvog ženskog udruženja osnovanog među Sefardima na Balkanu, ali i prvog ženskog udruženja osnovanog u Srbiji uopšte. U ovom članku ona govori o jevrejskoj ženi u Srbiji krajem 19. i početkom 20. veka. Iako je jevrejska žena u prošlosti u mnogo čemu zaostajala, ipak je nešto brže kulturno napredovala, u odnosu na narode koji su imali postepen i miran razvoj. Zbog velikih i naglih prelaza između neobrazovanih i školovanih generacija odnosno između majki i kćerki, dolazilo je do mnogo većih razlika, čak i podvojenosti. Ipak ako se posmatra moderna žena u današnjem smislu te reči, moglo bi se reći da je jevrejska konzervativna žena ponekad bila sposobnija da odgovori ulozi supruge i majke. Jelena de Majo poručuje da obrazovane žene ne smeju zaboraviti okolnosti u kojima su živele njihove majke i trebaju pomagati onima koje zaostaju i nemaju priliku da napreduju.sr
dc.description.abstractJelena de Majo (1876-1942) significantly influenced the emancipation of women in a society full of prejudices. She was the head of the "Jewish Women's Society", the first women's association founded among the Sephardim in the Balkans, but also the first women's association founded in Serbia in general. In this article, she talks about a Jewish woman in Serbia at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. Although the Jewish woman left behind in many ways in the past, she still progressed somewhat faster culturally, in relation to the nations that had a gradual and peaceful development. Due to the large and sudden transitions between uneducated and educated generations, that is, between mothers and daughters, there were much bigger differences, even divisions. Yet if one looks at the modern woman in the modern sense of the word, it could be said that the Jewish conservative woman was sometimes more able to respond to the roles of wife and mother. Jelena de Majo says that educated women must not forget the circumstances in which their mothers lived and should help those who are left behind and do not have the opportunity to progress.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Izdanje Uprave Jevrejskog Ženskog Društvasr
dc.sourceJevrejsko žensko društvo u Beogradu: 1874-1924.: na dan pedesetogodišnjice od osnivanjasr
dc.subjectjevrejska žena - običajisr
dc.subjectJewish women - customssr
dc.subjectjevrejska žena - emancipacijasr
dc.subjectJewish woman - emancipationsr
dc.titleKulturni razvitak jevrejske žene u Srbijisr
dc.titleCultural development of the Jewish woman in Serbiasr
dcterms.abstractДе Мајо, Јелена; Културни развитак јеврејске жене у Србији; Културни развитак јеврејске жене у Србији;



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