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Incumbency of the Jewish woman

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.creatorUrbach, Hinko
dc.description.abstractTekst o položaju jevrejske žene koji je napisao nadrabin dr Hinko Urbach predstavlja kombinaciju citatata iz Talmuda, Tore, responzi, ketuba (bračnih ugovora) i primera iz istorije ili svakodnevnog života. Interpretacijom ovih citata dr Urbach daje smernice o ponašanju žena i muškaraca kroz individualni i bračni odnos. Konstatuje da, iako nisu ravnopravne sa muškarcima, žene imaju važnu i cenjenu ulogu u jevrejskom životu. Za razliku od većine naroda, žene su i u najstarijem periodu jevrejske istorije bile slobodne u kretanju i radu, a bilo je i pojedinih jevrejskih žena koje su se istakle kao proročice (Mirjam, Debora, Hulda), kao sudije (Debora), kao vladarke (Atalija, Salome, Aleksandra). Iako je intelektualnost žene cenjena, nije im bilo dozvoljeno bavljenje proučavanjem Tore i Talmuda ali i pored ovakvih zabrana pojedine nadarene jevrejske žene bavile su se izučavanjem judaizma i postale poznavaoci talmudskih disciplina. Bilo je istaknutih žena koje su u ješivama okupljale veliki broj slušalaca i držale javna predavanja pa su i u samom Talmudu sačuvana njihova veoma vredna teološka znanja, ali i zanimljive i duhovite dosetke. Mnoge Jevrejke su se istakle kao umetnice, naučnice i pisci. Veliki doprinos zajednici daju kroz dobrotvorni humanitarni, socijalni, zdravstveni i pedagoški rad u ženskim udruženjima. Dr Urbach zaključuje da je položaj jevrejske žene humano, moralno i pravno u svakom pogledu regulisan ali da ima i nedostataka koji se odnose na nasledno pravo, razvod braka i dokaze o nestanku ili smrti supružnika koje talmudska tradicija treba da revidira.sr
dc.description.abstractThe text on the position of the Jewish woman, written by senior rabbi Dr Hinko Urbach, is a combination of quotations from the Talmud, the Torah, responses (comments), ketubahs (marriage contracts) and examples from history or everyday life. By interpreting these quotations, Dr Urbach gives guidelines on the behaviour of women and men through individual and marital relations. He states that, although they are not equal to men, women have an important and valued role in Jewish life. Unlike most peoples, women in the oldest period of Jewish history were free to move and work, and there were some Jewish women who stood out as prophetesses (Miriam, Deborah, Hulda), as judges (Deborah), as rulers (Athaliah, Salome, Alexandra). Although the intellectuality of women was valued, they were not allowed to study the Torah and the Talmud, and despite such prohibitions, some gifted Jewish women studied Judaism and became experts in the Talmudic disciplines. There were prominent women who gathered a large number of listeners in the yeshivahs and gave public lectures, so their very valuable theological knowledge was preserved in the Talmud itself, as well as interesting witticisms. Many Jewesses distinguished themselves as artists, scientists and writers. They make a great contribution to the community through charitable humanitarian, social, health and pedagogical work in women's associations. Dr Urbach concludes that the position of a Jewish woman is humane, moral and legal regulated, but that there are also lacks related to inheritance law, divorce and evidence of the disappearance or death of a spouse that the Talmudic tradition needs to revise.sr
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H. S.sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5688 (1927/28)sr
dc.subjectžena - Judaizamsr
dc.subjectwomen - Judaismsr
dc.subjectbrak - Judaizamsr
dc.subjectmarriage - Judaismsr
dc.titlePoložaj jevrejske ženesr
dc.titleIncumbency of the Jewish womansr
dcterms.abstractУрбацх, Хинко; Положај јеврејске жене; Положај јеврејске жене;



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