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On the first Jewish cultural society

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.creatorGuttmann, Simon
dc.description.abstractNadrabin dr Simon Guttmann u svom radu opisuje nastanak, delovanje i raspad prvog jevrejskog kulturnog društva koje je osnovano 7. novembra 1819. godine u Berlinu pod nazivom "Verein fur Kultur und Wissenschaft des Judentums". Istorijski gledano posle razorenja Drugog hrama jedino su Tora i Bet-ha-midraš (kuća, mesto za učenje) bili središte jevrejskog života. U određenom smislu Bet-ha-midraš je bila preteča kulturnog društva ali samo do trenutka kada se među Jevrejima jako povećao broj onih koji nisu razumeli Bibliju i Talmud u izvornom tekstu. Takvo stanje nastalo je među Jevrejima Nemačke na kraju 18. veka. Sa širenjem prosvetiteljstva i pred jevrejskom omladinom stvorile su se nove mogućnosti koje su ih sve više odvraćale od jevrejskog učenja. To je dovelo do stvaranja novog sloja jevrejstva kome je to učenje postalo potpuno nepoznato ili je dovodilo u sumnju nacionalne, kulturne i religiozne vrednosti. Jevrejstvo proživljava kritično vreme i raslojava se na one koji ne žele nikakve promene i nastavljaju da žive starim životom i one koji su hteli da se reše okova prošlosti, vere i tradicije i što brže prepuste novom modernom životu. Zbog takve atmosfere su tri mladića, Leopold Zunz, Mojsije Moser i Edvard Gans odlučili da osnuju jevrejsko kulturno društvo i da kroz njegove aktivnosti popularišu judaizam na naučnoj osnovi i vaspitaju jevrejski narod za novo, buduće vreme. Osnovali su časopis "Zeitschrift fur die Wissenschaft des Judentums". Najčuveniji član društva bio je pesnik Henrik Heine. Dr Guttmann nas upoznaje sa istorijskim činjenicama vezanim za osnivanje, delovanje i gašenje ovog društva kao i sa nekim raspravama vezanim za njegove uspehe i pogrešne poteze. Iako su njegovi osnivači uložili ogroman trud i velike nade, odziv jevrejske zajednice bio je slab i društvo se nakon pet godina ugasilo. Osnivači su bili duboko razočarani i ogorčeni, čak su verovali da će i samo jevrejstvo biti uništeno. Nakon više od jednog stoleća dr Guttmann konstatuje da je rad ovog društva bio značajan, da je doprineo napretku nauke i kulture i, posebno, širem razumevanju
dc.description.abstractIn his work, senior rabbi Dr. Simon Guttmann describes the emergence, activities, and disintegration of the first Jewish cultural society, which was founded on November 7, 1819, in Berlin under the name "Verein fur Kultur und Wissenschaft des Judentums". Historically, after the destruction of the Second Temple, only the Torah and Beth-ha-midrash (place of study) were the center of Jewish life. In a sense, Beth-ha-midrash was the forerunner of cultural society, but only until the moment when the number of those who did not understand the Bible and the Talmud in the original text greatly increased. Such a situation arose among the Jews of Germany at the end of the 18th century. With the spread of the Enlightenment, new opportunities were created in front of the Jewish youth, which increasingly deterred them from Jewish teaching. This led to the creation of a new layer of Judaism to which this teaching became completely unknown or brought into doubt national, cultural, and religious values. Judaism is going through a critical time and is stratified into those who do not want any changes and continue to live the old life and those who wanted to get rid of the shackles of the past, faith, and tradition and leave it to the new modern life as soon as possible. Because of such an atmosphere, three young men, Leopold Zunz, Moses Moser, and Edward Hans, decided to found a Jewish cultural society and through its activities to popularize Judaism on a scientific basis and educate the Jewish people for a new, future time. They founded the magazine "Zeitschrift fur die Wissenschaft des Judentums". The most famous member of the society was the poet Henrik Heine. Dr. Guttmann introduces us to the historical facts related to the founding, functioning, and extinguishing of this society as well as to some discussions related to its successes and wrong moves. Although its founders invested enormous effort and great hopes, the response of the Jewish community was weak and the society was extinguished after five years. The founders were deeply disappointed and indignant, they even believed that Judaism itself would be destroyed. After more than a century, Dr. Guttmann states that the work of this society was significant, that it contributed to the progress of science and culture and, in particular, to a broader understanding of
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H.
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5688 (1927/28)sr
dc.subjectjevrejska društvasr
dc.subjectJewish societiessr
dc.subjectVerein fur Kultur und Wissenschaft des Judentums (Berlin)sr
dc.subjectZeitschrift fur die Wissenschaft des Judentums (Berlin)sr
dc.titleO prvom židovskom kulturnom društvusr
dc.titleOn the first Jewish cultural societysr
dcterms.abstractГуттманн, Симон; О првом жидовском културном друштву; О првом жидовском културном друштву;



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