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Life of Moses

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.description.abstractSefer Hajašar (Knjiga o pravednosti) je anonimno delo iz popularne etike iz 13. veka u kome se u jednom delu opisuje postanak i objašnjava zašto su zli stvoreni zajedno sa pravednicima, dok se drugi deo bavi glavnim temama jevrejske etike: ljubavlju i strahom od Boga, pokajanjem, molitvom i dobrim delima. Priča "Život Mojsijev" koju je prema pričama Sefer Hajašara preveo i priredio nadrabin dr Lavoslav Fischer govori o jednom periodu Mojsijevog uzbudljivog života. Mojsije je bio legendarni jevrejski oslobodilac, vođa, zakonodavac i prorok. Prema jevrejskim svetim knjigama, Mojsije je izveo Jevreje iz Egipta. Njegova najveća zasluga je širenje vere u jednog Boga, odnosno učvršćivanje monoteizma među Jevrejima i objava Deset zapovedi. Ova priča nudi iscrpne detalje o Mojsijevom rođenju, životu na egipatskom dvoru, bekstvu iz Egipta, njegovoj vladavini u Etiopiji, zatočeništvu u Midjanu, ženidbi sa Ciporom i rođenje sinova Geršona i Eliezera. Nastavak njegovog životopisa u kome će biti opisano primanje Deset zapovedi i njegova legendarna smrt dr Fischer predviđa za naredni broj
dc.description.abstractSefer HaYashar (Book of Righteousness) is an anonymous work on popular ethics from the 13th century in which one part describes the creation and explains why evils were created together with the righteous, while the other part deals with the main themes of Jewish ethics: love and fear of God, repentance, by prayer and good works. The story "Life of Moses", which was translated and edited by Dr. Lavoslav Fischer, according to the stories of Sefer HaYashar, tells about a period from Moses' exciting life. Moses was a legendary Jewish liberator, leader, legislator, and prophet. According to the Jewish holy books, Moses led the Jews out of Egypt. His greatest merit is the spread of the faith in one God, that is, the strengthening of monotheism among the Jews and the proclamation of the Ten Commandments. This story offers exhaustive details about Moses' birth, life at the Egyptian court, escape from Egypt, his rule in Ethiopia, captivity in Midian, his marriage to Zipporah, and the birth of sons Gershon and Eliezer. The continuation of his biography, which will describe the reception of the Ten Commandments and his legendary death, is planned by Dr. Fischer for the next issue of the
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H.
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5687 (1926/27)sr
dc.subjectMojsije - biografijasr
dc.subjectMoses - biographysr
dc.subjectSefer Hajašar - Mojsijesr
dc.subjectSefer HaYashar - Mosessr
dc.titleŽivot Mojsijevsr
dc.titleLife of Mosessr
dcterms.abstractЖивот Мојсијев; Живот Мојсијев; Лифе оф Мосес; Лифе оф Мосес;



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