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Kushita, whom Moses took as his wife. (With the book Numbers XII. 1.)

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.creatorFrankfurter, Mavro
dc.description.abstractČlanak nadrabina dr Mavre Frankfurtera "Kušita, koju je Mojsije za ženu uzeo" upoznaje nas sa pretpostavkama iz jednog perioda Mojsijevog života koji istorija nije dovoljno rasvetlila. Uvodni deo predstavlja kratku analizu odnosa Svetog pisma prema svojim junacima po kome se oni i njihova dela pominju kao sredstvo za prenošenje poruka ili zadatih ciljeva a ne za veličanje kulta ličnosti. Izuzetak čine čisto istorijske knjige ali se ni u njima protagonisti ne glorifikuju, niti im se mane i nedostatci ulepšavaju ili ignorišu. Tako je i Mojsije, jedan od napoznatijih likova Starog zaveta, opisan u nekoliko kratkih poteza; on za Bibliju nije važan kao ličnost, važno je njegovo delovanje. O samom Mojsiju, njegovom razvoju, vaspitanju, obrazovanju, boravku na faraonovom dvoru, begstvu iz Egipta i daljem životu gotovo se i ne govori ili se samo napominje. Tako npr. u Bibliji (Exodus II., 11 ff) nalazimo činjenice da u vreme begstva iz Egipta nije bio u "visokoj starosti", ali o tom periodu njegovog života i rada koje je trajalo 40 godina, mi ne znamo skoro ništa. To je praznina gde Biblija ćuti, prepuštajući polje legendi, po kojoj je Mojsije došao u Kuš (Etiopija) oženio se kraljicom, došao do vladarske moći i vladao 40 godina. U Svetom Pismu u IV knjizi Mojsijevoj postoji trag o ovoj bezimenoj Mojsijevoj supruzi, prema kome se samo usput pominje Kušitska žena o kojoj u nekoj porodičnoj spletki govori Mojsijeva sestra Mirjam. O Mojsijevom životu mnogo više detalja nalazimo u legendama, Midrašu, Hagadi ili nejevrejskim izvorima. U ovom članku dr Frankfurter se osvrće na nekoliko takvih izvora i posebno analizira priču o Mojsijevom braku sa kraljicom Kušita u izveštaju Josifa Flavija u delu "Starine". Na kraju rada autor navodi da je ova Flavijeva priča nepoznata jevrejskoj književnosti ali da se zasniva na delu Sefer Hajašar odakle su je preuzeli drugi pripovedači.sr
dc.description.abstractDr. Mavro Frankfurter's article "Kushita, whom Moses took as his wife" introduces us to assumptions from a period of Moses' life that history has not shed enough light on. The introductory part presents a brief analysis of the Holy Scriptures' relationship to their heroes, according to which they and their acts are mentioned as an instrumentality of conveying messages or set goals, and not for glorifying the cult of personality. The exception is purely historical books, but even in them the protagonists are not glorified, nor are their flaws and imperfections embellished or ignored. So Moses, one of the most famous figures of the Old Testament, is described in a few short lines; he is not important to the Bible as a person, his actions are important. Moses himself, his development, upbringing, education, stay at Pharaoh's palace, escape from Egypt and further life are almost never talked about or only mentioned. Thus e.g. in the Bible (Exodus II., 11 ff) we find the facts that at the time of his escape from Egypt he was not of "old age", but we know almost nothing about that period of his life and work which lasted 40 years. It is an emptiness where the Bible is silent, leaving the field of legends, according to which Moses came to Kush (Ethiopia), married a queen, came to the ruling power, and ruled for 40 years. In the Holy Scriptures, in Book IV of Moses, there is a trace of this nameless wife of Moses, according to which only a Kushite woman is just mentioned, about whom Moses' sister Miriam speaks in family intrigue. We find much more details about Moses' life in legends, the Midrash, the Haggadah, or non-Jewish sources. In this article, Dr. Frankfurter refers to several such sources and especially analyzes the story of Moses' marriage to Queen Kushita in the report of Josephus in the opus "Antiquities". At the end of the paper, the author states that this story of Flavius is unknown to Jewish literature, but that it is based on the work of Sefer Hayashar, from where it was taken over by other narrators.sr
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H. S.sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5687 (1926/27)sr
dc.subjectMojsije - Kraljica od Sabesr
dc.subjectMoses - Queen of Shebasr
dc.titleKušita, koju je Mojsije za ženu uzeo. (Uz knjigu Numeri XII. 1.)sr
dc.titleKushita, whom Moses took as his wife. (With the book Numbers XII. 1.)sr
dcterms.abstractФранкфуртер, Мавро;
dc.description.otherDr Mavro Frankfurter (1875 - ?1942) bio je nadrabin u Vikovcima do 1941. godine. Zajedno sa suprugom Marijom odveden je u logor Jasenovac gde su oboje ubijeni.sr
dc.description.otherDr. Mavro Frankfurter (1875 -? 1942) was a senior rabby in Vikovci until 1941. Together with his wife Marija, he was taken to the Jasenovac camp, where they were both killed.



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