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Rabbi and community. Consideration based on the Bible and beyond biblical science

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.contributorMargel, Mojsije
dc.creatorWeszel, Samuel
dc.description.abstractČlanak "Rabin i općina" sarajevski nadrabin dr Samuel Weszel posvećuje svojoj opštini, kolegama, prijateljima i poznanicima. Tekst je deo govora koji je dr Weszel održao prilikom proslave 25-te godišnjice svog rada u Sarajevu (15. decembra 1923. - 7. teveta 5684.). Njegova razmatranja su podeljena na nekoliko poglavlja u kojima pojedinačno analizira najvažnije aspekte rabinskog delovanja. Prvi segmet odnosi se na razrađeni program rada koji rabin treba da ima čim stupi na položaj u određenoj zajednici. Drugi se odnosi na "savez" sa opštinom koji podrazumeva da sa svim članovima zajednice deli istu sudbinu. Dr Weszel napominje da je sadržaj saveza koji rabin sklopi sa svojim verskim sledbenicima u suštini nevidljiv i najvećim delom ga sačinjava dijalog duša. U okviru takvog saveza ističe poštovanje prava, pravednosti, jednakosti, međusobnog poverenja i jednaku ljubav za sve članove zajednice. U svojim razmatranjima dr Weszel piše i o ličnim kvalitetima koje rabin treba da poseduje: velikodušnost, pobožnost, unutrašnje dostojanstvo, osećaj dužnosti, dobrotu, ponos, skromnost, tačnost. Na kraju ovog spiska ističe ulogu rabina kao čuvara mira, sloge i jedinstva opštine. Nakon ovog opisa slede preporuke o odnosu rabina prema sugrađanima izvan njegove opštine, analiza radnog programa sa posebnim osvrtom na vaspitanje mladih i obnovom Erec-Izraela. Poslednja poglavlja dr Weszel posvećuje odnosu rabina prema upravnom odboru jevrejske opštine, njegovoj ulozi nosioca patriotske misli i na kraju dužnostima članova jevrejske zajednice prema
dc.description.abstractThe article "Rabbi and Community" by the Sarajevo senior rabbi Dr. Samuel Weszel is dedicated to his community, colleagues, friends, and acquaintances. The text is part of a speech given by Dr. Weszel during the celebration of the 25th anniversary of his work in Sarajevo (December 15, 1923 - 7th Tevet 5684). His considerations are divided into several chapters in which he individually analyzes the most important aspects of the rabbinic activity. The first segment refers to the elaborated work program that a rabbi should have as soon as he takes a position in a certain community. The second refers to the "alliance" with the municipality, which means that it shares the same fate with all members of the community. Dr. Weszel notes that the content of the covenant that a rabbi makes with his religious followers is essentially invisible and is largely made up of a dialogue of souls. Within such an alliance, it emphasizes respect for rights, justice, equality, mutual trust and equal love for all members of the community. In his reflections, Dr. Weszel also writes about the personal qualities that a rabbi should possess: generosity, piety, inner dignity, a sense of duty, kindness, pride, modesty, accuracy. At the end of this list, he emphasizes the role of the rabbi as the guardian of peace, harmony, and unity of the community. This description is followed by recommendations on the attitude of rabbis towards fellow citizens outside his municipality, analysis of the work program with special emphasis on the education of young people, and the renewal of Eretz-Israel. The last chapters of Dr. Weszel are devoted to the attitude of the rabbis towards the board of the Jewish community, his role as a bearer of patriotic thought, and finally the duties of the members of the Jewish community towards
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H.
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5686 (1925/26)sr
dc.subjectrabin - uloga u zajednicisr
dc.subjectrabbi - role in communitysr
dc.titleRabin i općina. Razmatranje na temelju biblije i izabiblijske znanostisr
dc.titleRabbi and community. Consideration based on the Bible and beyond biblical sciencesr
dcterms.abstractWесзел, Самуел; Рабин и опћина. Разматрање на темељу библије и изабиблијске знаности; Рабин и опћина. Разматрање на темељу библије и изабиблијске знаности;

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