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Spread of Jewish culture among the pagans

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.contributorMargel, Mojsije
dc.creatorGlück, Rudolf
dc.description.abstractNadrabin, dr Rudolf Glück u svom radu analizira uticaje koje su Jevreji imali među većinskim i drugim narodima u rimskom, grčkom i egipatskom antičkom periodu. Uvodna analiza opisuje načine na koji su se ove države odnosile prema Jevrejima. Između ostalog, navodi okrutan primer sirijskog kralja Antioha Epifana koji je proganjao Jevreje i prisiljavao ih da se klanjaju helenskim bogovima. Deo rada posvećen je analizi uticaja judaizma na poznate ličnosti toga vremena - Platona, Pitagoru, Heraklita, Filona i Zenona. Poredeći odnos jevrejske i hrišćanske vere prema mnogoboštvu, dr Glück analizira razloge zbog kojih je dolazilo do preobraćenja u judaizam. Nakon iscrpne analize donosi zaključak da, iako su Grci najviše postigli u razvoju slobodne misli, nauke i umetnosti, Rimljani u stvaranju političkog i pravnog poretka, istorijska uloga Jevreja se pokazuje u očuvanju božanske objave koja im je poverena. Bog je Jevrejima dao religiozno, liturgijsko i političko zakonodavstvo, slao mu proroke, učitelje i oslobodioce. Bog je odabrao jevrejski narod da ga očuva od idolopoklonstva i da paganskom svetu bude primer.sr
dc.description.abstractSenior rabbi Dr. Rudolf Glück in his work analyzes the influences that Jews had among the majority and other peoples in the Roman, Greek, and Egyptian ancient periods. The introductory analysis describes the ways in which these states treated Jews. Among other things, he cites the cruel example of the Syrian king Antiochus Epiphanes, who persecuted the Jews and forced them to worship the Hellenic gods. Part of the paper is dedicated to the analysis of the influence of Judaism on famous people of that time - Plato, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Philo, and Zeno. Comparing the relationship of the Jewish and Christian faiths to polytheism, Dr. Glück analyzes the reasons for the conversion to Judaism. After an exhaustive analysis, he concludes that, although the Greeks achieved the most in the development of free thought, science, and art, the Romans in creating a political and legal order, the historical role of the Jews is shown in preserving the divine revelation entrusted to them. God gave the Jews religious, liturgical, and political legislation sent him prophets, teachers, and liberators. God chose Jewish people to protect them from idolatry and to be an example to the pagan world.sr
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H. S.sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5686 (1925/26)sr
dc.subjectJevreji - Rimsko carstvosr
dc.subjectJews - Roman Empiresr
dc.subjectJevreji - Antička Grčkasr
dc.subjectJews - ancient Greecesr
dc.subjectJevreji - Stari Egipatsr
dc.subjectJews - Ancient Egyptsr
dc.subjectJudaizam - preobraćenje
dc.subjectJudaism - conversion
dc.titleŠirenje židovske kulture među poganimasr
dc.titleSpread of Jewish culture among the paganssr
dcterms.abstractГлüцк, Рудолф; Ширење жидовске културе међу поганима; Ширење жидовске културе међу поганима;



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