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Book of Samuel

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.contributorMargel, Mojsije
dc.creatorSchwarz, Gavro
dc.description.abstractU radu "Knjiga Samuel" autor dr Gavro Schwarz želi da široj čitalačkoj publici prikaže koncept "biblijske kritike". Njegov rad bazira se na analizi Knjige Samuelove koja zauzima važno mesto među biblijskim knjigama istorijskog sadržaja. Jevrejska istorija kroz Toru prikazuje kako se Izrael razvija kao narod, u knjigama Jošua i Sudije kako taj narod osvaja zemlju, u Samuelu kako se stvara izraelska država i kako nastaje monarhija, dok se u Knjizi Kraljeva opisuje kako se ta država raspada i polako uništava. Samuel dakle predočava središnji deo izraelske istorije, njen najlepši i najslavniji period koji obuhvata vreme od punih stotinu godina. Dr Schwarz podrobno opisuje i prepričava istorijske događaje koji su se odigrali u to vreme, razlaže ih i analizira na pitanja kojima se bavi biblijska kritika. Posebno se osvrće na razmatranja o tome da li knjiga Samuelova potiče od jednog ili više izvora i autora i zaključuje da kompozicija knjige verovatno upućuje na jednu osobu koja ima ustaljenu metodu i poseban način pisanja. Autor knjige Sameuleove novelističkom širinom opisuje male događaje i postupke likova iz kojih se rađaju veliki preokreti koji istoriju izraelskog naroda temeljno preobražavaju. On oslikava istoriju Izraela i namere Svevišnjega koji je izraelski narod uzeo pod svoju zaštitu i organizuje njegovu sudbinu. Istorijski događaji nisu puka slučajnost nego se odigravaju po odlukama Višeg bića. Autor ove Knjige želeo je da detaljno izloži i objasni način na koji se odluka Božja manifestuje, kako se pretvara u stvarnost i proizvodi velike preokrete. U izraelskoj istoriji Samuel, Saul i David označavaju važne epohe, nova stanja i slavna razdoblja. Zbog toga knjiga Samuelova želi prikazati ove velike epohe i preokrete u izraelskoj istoriji kao i način na koji se potlačeni narod vinuo najpre do slobode i nezavisnosti a zatim do vladavine nad susednim narodima i do političke moći i ugleda. U daljoj analizi dr Schwarz razmatra činjenice o "objektivnoj" i istoriji koju su opisivali proroci i ističe da je u istoriji izraelskog naroda religija za proroke imala važno stanovište na osnovu koga su posmatrali i prosuđivali događaje i pojave. Dr Schwarz konstatuje da je autor knjige Samuelove upotrebio svu raspoloživu istorijsku građu, slavne događaje i pojave i sačuvao objektivnost. Proniknuo je u biće i karakter svojih junaka i knjizi pridodao svoje umeće pripovedanja, psihološkog vezivanja i religiozne motivacije. Na kraju svog rada dr Schwarz zaključuje da među istorijskima knjigama Svetog pisma nijedna nema ovakav umetnički i istančan opis istorijskih karaktera kakav nalazimo u knjizi Samuelovoj koja, kako Klostermann kaže predstavlja 'najvišu tačku hebrejske historiografije'".sr
dc.description.abstractIn "The Book of Samuel", the author Dr. Gavro Schwarz wants to present the concept of "biblical criticism" to a wider readership. His work is based on the analysis of the Book of Samuel, which has an important place among the biblical books of historical content. Jewish history through the Torah shows how Israel developed as a nation, in the books of Joshua and Judges how that nation conquered the land, in Samuel how the state of Israel was created and how the monarchy was formed, while the Book of Kings describes how that state disintegrated and slowly destroyed. Samuel thus presents the central part of Israeli history, its most beautiful and glorious period, which covers a time of a full hundred years. Dr. Schwarz describes and convinces in detail the historical events that took place at that time, explains them, and analyzes the issues addressed by biblical criticism. He gives special attention to the considerations of whether Samuel's book originates from one or more sources and authors, and concludes that the composition of the book probably refers to one person who has an established method and a specific way of writing. The author of Samuele's book describes in novelistic wideness the small events and actions of the characters from which great upheavals are born, which fundamentally transform the history of the people of Israel. It portrays the history of Israel and intentions of the God, who took the people of Israel under his protection and organizes their destiny. Historical events are not mere coincidences, but take place according to the decisions of the higher being. The author of this book wanted to explain in detail the way in which God's decision is manifested, how it turns into reality and produces great upheavals. In Israeli history, Samuel, Saul, and David mark important epochs, new states, and glorious periods. That is why Samuel's book wants to show these great epochs and upheavals in Israeli history, as well as the way in which the oppressed people rose first to freedom and independence and then to rule over neighboring nations and to political power and prestige. In further analysis, Dr. Schwarz discusses the facts about the "objective" and the history described by the prophets and points out that in the history of the people of Israel, religion had an important point of view for the prophets on the basis of observing and judging events and phenomena. Dr. Schwarz states that the author of Samuel's book used all available historical material, famous events and phenomena, and preserved objectivity. He comes up with the being and the character of his heroes and added his storytelling skills, psychological attachment, and religious motivation to the book. At the end of his work, Dr. Schwarz concludes that none of the historical books of Holy Writings has such an artistic and sophisticated description of historical characters as we find in Samuel's book, which, as Klostermann says, represents "the highest point of Hebrew historiography."sr
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H. S.sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5686 (1925/26)sr
dc.subjectKnjiga Samuilova - biblijska kritikasr
dc.subjectThe Book of Samuel - Biblical criticismsr
dc.titleKnjiga Samuelsr
dc.titleBook of Samuelsr
dcterms.abstractСцхwарз, Гавро; Књига Самуел; Књига Самуел; Боок оф Самуел; Боок оф Самуел;



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