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Fighting, laughing and surviving: the story of the Partisan Haggadah, a unique Passover parody composed in the Holocaust

dc.contributorTodorić, Gordana
dc.creatorPapo, Eliezer
dc.description.abstractUprkos relativno skromnom obimu, Partizanska agada je delo važno iz najmanje dva razloga. Ona je prevashodno jedinstvena, u korpusu jevrejsko-španskih parodija Pashalne agade. S druge strane, u trenutku praizvedbe u partizanskom pozorištu, krajem Drugog svetskog rata ispunjavala je krajnje angažovanu društvenu funkciju (od uveseljavanja boraca i izbeglica do savetovanja i vaspitavanja). U komunističkoj Jugoslaviji, prvotna funkcija je bitno izmenjena, te je uz ulogu uveseljavanja Partizanska agada dobila i ulogu kaleidoskopa kolektivnog sećanja. Jedinstvenosti Partizanske agade u kontekstu korpusa jevrejsko-španskih parodija Pashalne agade potiče iz njene teatarske prirode, nasuprot potpunoj tekstualnosti drugih dela koja pripadaju ovom korpusu. Uz to, Altarac razvija orginalne strategije interpolacije odlomaka izvornog hebrejskog teksta Pashalne agade kao i drugih hebrejskih liturgijskih tekstova (unatoč činjenici da njegova publika ne vlada hebrejskim u punoj meri), što takođe doprinosi jedinstvenosti ovog dela u korpusu jevrejsko-španskih parodija Pashalne agade. U svim drugim, danas poznatim primerima ovog žanra, hebrejskoj komponenti dodeljena je uloga svojevrsnog putokaza; svedena je na naslov ili referencu koja upućuje na hipotekst i ništa više. Samo u Partizanskoj agadi ovaj je element važno otelovljenje autorovih poetskih strategija i ima ključnu ulogu u humorističkoj intonaciji teksta.sr
dc.description.abstractDespite its relatively modest size, "Partisan Agada (Haggadah)" is an important work for at least two reasons. It is primarily unique, in the corpus of Jewish-Spanish parodies of the Passover Haggadah. On the other hand, at the time of its premiere in the partisan theater, at the end of the Second World War, it fulfilled an extremely engaged social function (from entertaining fighters and refugees to counseling and education). In communist Yugoslavia, the original function was significantly changed, and in addition to the role of cheering, the Partisan Haggadah also got the role of a kaleidoscope of collective memory. The uniqueness of the Partisan Haggadah in the context of the corpus of Jewish-Spanish parodies of the Passover Haggadah originates from its theatrical nature, as opposed to the complete textuality of other works belonging to this corpus. In addition, author Šalom Šani Altarac developed the original strategies of interpolation of passages of the original Hebrew text of the Passover Haggadah as and other Hebrew liturgical texts (despite the fact that his audience does not speak Hebrew to the fullest extent), which also contributes to the uniqueness of this work in the corpus of Jewish-Spanish parodies of the Passover Haggadah. In today's other known examples of this genre, the Hebrew component was assigned the role of a kind of signpost; it is reduced to a title or reference that refers to a hypotext and nothing more. Only in Partisan Haggadah this element is an important embodiment of the author's poetic strategies and plays a key role in the humorous intonation of the text.en
dc.publisherNovi Sad : Futura publikacije : Jevrejska opština Novi Sadsr
dc.subjectPartizanska Hagada (Jugoslavija)sr
dc.subjectPartisan Haggadah (Yugoslavia)sr
dc.subjectPartizanska Agadasr
dc.subject"Partizanska agada" - Šalom Šani Altarac (1914-1975)sr
dc.titleBorba, duh i opstanak: Partizanska agada: jedinstvena pashalna parodija iz vremena Holokaustasr
dc.titleFighting, laughing and surviving: the story of the Partisan Haggadah, a unique Passover parody composed in the Holocausten
dcterms.abstractПапо, Елиезер; Борба, дух и опстанак: Партизанска агада: јединствена пасхална пародија из времена Холокауста; Борба, дух и опстанак: Партизанска агада: јединствена пасхална пародија из времена Холокауста;
dcterms.abstractПапо, Елиезер; Борба, дух и опстанак: Партизанска агада: јединствена пасхална пародија из времена Холокауста; Борба, дух и опстанак: Партизанска агада: јединствена пасхална пародија из времена Холокауста;
dc.description.otherOriginalni zvučni snimak "Partizanske Agade" u izvođenju Šaloma Šanija Altarca postoji na Youtub kanalu na linku: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loy5eIJfEOg (the original sound record of "Partisan Agada" performed by Šalom Šani Altarac is available on the YouTube channel at the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loy5eIJfEOgsr
dc.description.otherThe original sound record of "Partisan Agada" performed by Šalom Šani Altarac is available on the YouTube channel at the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loy5eIJfEOg



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