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The Subotica synagogue (Published in the Jewish Review No. 5-7/1982 to mark the 80th anniversary of the synagogue's erection)

dc.creatorSimović, Živomir
dc.description.abstractZgrada subotičke sinagoge završena je 1. oktobra 1902. godine. Ceremonija posvećenja održana je istog dana, dok je prva verska služba obavljena 4. oktobra. Radovi na konzervaciji i revitalizaciji građevine, koja je bila u jako lošem stanju, započeti su krajem 1982. godine. Izvela ih je građevinska firma "Zanat", a za nadgledanje bio je zadužen Institut za zaštitu spomenika kulture. U toku dugotrajnog procesa, opseg oštećenja analizirao je prof. dr Oskar Hrabovski sa beogradskog Arhitektonskog fakulteta. Prema njegovoj analizi, ovo je jedinstvena građevina sa kupolama i lukovima koji su remek-dela i spadaju u grupu retkih i jedinstvenih građevina u našim krajevima. Ako se uzme u obzir i dužina trajanja građevinskih radova, ovo je bio pravi uspeh u građevinarstvu i arhitekturi s početka veka. Kao pohvalu zanatskim veštinama treba posebno naglasiti vitraže koje su napravili Mikša Rot i njegovi saradnici i željeznu ogradu oko dvorišta. Poseban utisak ostavljaju i cvetne fasade ukrašene Zsolnai keramikom i dekorativni elementi od drveta, gvožđa i limarije. Sinagoga je delo dvojice izvanrednih arhitekata, Dežo Jakaba i Marcela Komora, koji su bili sledbenici poznatog arhitekte
dc.description.abstractThe building was completed on October 1st 1902. The dedication ceremony was held on that same day, while the first religious service was officiated on October 4th. The conservation and revitalization work on the edifice, which was in very poor condition, was started, at the end of 1982. They were done by the "Zanat" construction company, while the Institute for Protection of Monuments of Culture was in charge of the supervision. The degree of damage was recorded by Professor Dr Oskar Hrabovski of the Belgrade Faculty of Architecture after a prolonged study. In his Judgement this is a unique building, the dome is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, as far as the construction is concerned and the smaller domes and arches should be on the list of rarities in this part of the world. If one takes into consideration the length of time available for the builders this was a real precursory venture. The innovations in construction put this building on a high place in contemporary architecture at the beginning of the century. The stained glass windows made by Miksa Rot and his follow craftsmen should be particularly mentioned just as the wrought iron fence around the courtyard which can be complimented as a monument of craftsmanship. Also, the flowery facade decorated with Zsolnai ceramics and decorative elements from wood, iron and tinplate leaves a particular impression. The synagogue is the work of two outstanding architects, Dezso Jakab and Marcel Komor, both followers of the renowned architected Lehner.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije [Federation of Jewish Communitues in Jugoslavia]sr
dc.sourceZbornik 5 : Studije, arhivska i memoarska građa o istoriji subotičkih Jevreja, Jevrejski istorijski muzej - Beograd = Jewish studies 5 : Studies, archival and memorial materials about the history of the Jews in Subotica, Jewish historical museum - Belgradesr
dc.subjectsinagoga - Suboticasr
dc.subjectSynagogue - Suboticasr
dc.subjectOskar Hrabovski, arhitektasr
dc.subjectMikša Rot, umetniksr
dc.titleNa razmeđi vekova - spomenik visokog domašaja stila recesije: Povodom osamdesetogodišnjice podizanja sinagoge u Suboticisr
dc.titleThe Subotica synagogue (Published in the Jewish Review No. 5-7/1982 to mark the 80th anniversary of the synagogue's erection)en
dcterms.abstractСимовић, Живомир; На размеђи векова - споменик високог домашаја стила рецесије: Поводом осамдесетогодишњице подизања синагоге у Суботици; На размеђи векова - споменик високог домашаја стила рецесије: Поводом осамдесетогодишњице подизања синагоге у Суботици;
dcterms.abstractСимовић, Живомир; На размеђи векова - споменик високог домашаја стила рецесије: Поводом осамдесетогодишњице подизања синагоге у Суботици; На размеђи векова - споменик високог домашаја стила рецесије: Поводом осамдесетогодишњице подизања синагоге у Суботици;
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbiasr

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