Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Proverbs and sayings of the Sephardi Jews of Bosnia and Herzegovina

dc.contributorKadelburg, Lavoslav
dc.contributorPresburger, Josip
dc.contributorMevorah, Mordehai
dc.contributorKoen, Mordehai
dc.contributorĆurčić, Jovan
dc.creatorKolonomos, Žamila
dc.description.abstractU Bosni je još pre drugog svetskog rata bilo pokušaja da se sakupe poslovice. Nadrabin Moric Levi i Kalmi Baruh iz Sarajeva i rabin Daniel Danon iz Travnika sastavili su značajne zbirke poslovica i izreka bosanskih Jevreja. Uz izuzetak zbirke Daniela Danona, one nisu bile izdate i u Drugom svetskom ratu ratu većina je izgubljena. Poslovice i izreke Jevreja iz Bosne i Hercegovine sakupili su višegodišnjim radom prof. dr Samuel Pinto (1886-1957), rabin Daniel Danon (1888-1942) i Avram Pinto, profesor istorije. Manji broj poslovica nepoznatih sakupljača uključen je u ovo izdanje, jer potiču sa istog područja. Sa velikim strpljenjem su tokom niza godina svi ovi autori beležili poslovice i izreke koje su čuli u sredinama u kojima su živeli. Rukopis svih ovih zbirki stručno su obradili saradnici Instituta Ben Cvi Hebrejskog univerziteta u Jerusalimu, koji se bavi proučavanjem kulturnog nasleđa orijentalnih i sefardskih Jevreja. Ovo izdanje na svoj način oživljava uspomenu na mnoge hiljade Jevreja čiji su deo folklornog blaga bile ove poslovice i izreke. Čitajući ih, sećamo se i svog detinjstva, roditelja, prijatelja i sunarodnika koji su nestali u vihoru ratova i
dc.description.abstractThere were attempts to collect proverbs in Bosnia even before the Second World War. Rabbi Moric Levi and Kalmi Baruh from Sarajevo and Rabbi Daniel Danon from Travnik compiled significant collections of proverbs and sayings of Bosnian Jews. With the exception of Daniel Danon's collection, they were not published and most were lost in World War II. Proverbs and sayings of Jews from Bosnia and Herzegovina were collected through many years of work by prof. Dr Samuel Pinto (1886-1957), Rabbi Daniel Danon (1888-1942) and Avram Pinto, Professor of History. A small number of proverbs of unknown collectors are included in this edition because they come from the same area. With great patience, over the years, all these authors have recorded proverbs and sayings that they have heard in the environments in which they lived. The manuscript of all these collections was expertly processed by associates of the Ben Zvi Institute of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, which studies the cultural heritage of Oriental and Sephardic Jews. This edition, in its own way, revives the memory of many thousands of Jews whose part of the folklore treasure were these proverbs and sayings. Reading them, we also remember our childhood, parents, friends and countrymen who disappeared in the whirlwind of wars and persecution.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavijesr
dc.subjectladino književnost - Bosna i Hercegovinasr
dc.subjectladino literature - Bosna i Hercegovinasr
dc.subjectSefardi - Bosna i Hercegovinasr
dc.subjectSephardi Jews - Bosna and Herzegovinasr
dc.subjectSefardska književnostsr
dc.subjectSephardic Literaturesr
dc.subjectSefardi - jeziksr
dc.subjectSephardi Jews - languagesr
dc.subjectjevrejske narodne poslovice - Bosna i Hercegovina
dc.subjectJewish proverbs - Bosnia and Herzegovina
dc.titlePoslovice i izreke sefardskih Jevreja Bosne i Hercegovinesr
dc.titleProverbs and sayings of the Sephardi Jews of Bosnia and Herzegovinaen
dcterms.abstractКолономос, Жамила; Пословице и изреке сефардских Јевреја Босне и Херцеговине; Пословице и изреке сефардских Јевреја Босне и Херцеговине;
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities in Serbiasr
dc.description.otherTekst na srpskohrvatskom, engleskom, ladino i hebrejskom jeziku. Hebrejski prevod štampan u obrnutom smeru (text in Serbo-Croatian, English, Ladino and Hebrew. Hebrew translation printed in reverse).sr



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