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The surname Albahari was heard again in the Tešanj bazaar

dc.creatorAlbahari, Aron
dc.description.abstractOvaj prilog govori o atmosferi povodom promocije knjige "Nisim Albahari - tragični revolucionar" autora Amira Brke, koja je promovisana 24. maja 2018. godine u Tešnju (BiH). Autor teksta nas upoznaje sa sadržajem knjige, koja osim o liku i značaju ovog BiH revolucionara, govori i o istorijatu i okolnostima života Jevreja, i pre svega pojedinih jevrejskih porodica, u ovom gradu srednje Bosne. Iznoseći hronologiju ličnog kontakta sa autorom knjige, tekst je posebno posvećen akterima i atmosferi promocije ali i tome kako je ona na simboličan način "vratila" duh i prisjećanje na nekadašnji život i prisustvo Jevreja u Tešnju. Poseban osvrt dat je na širu porodicu Albahari, čiji potomak je i autor ovoga
dc.description.abstractThis contribution is about the atmosphere on the occasion of the promotion of the book "Nisim Albahari - a tragic revolutionary" by Amir Brka, which was promoted on May 24, 2018, in Tešanj (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The author of the text introduces us to the content of the book, which, in addition to the character and significance of this BiH revolutionary, also talks about the history and circumstances of the Jewish life, and especially about some Jewish families in this city of Central Bosnia. Presenting the chronology of personal contact with the author of the book, the text is especially dedicated to the actors and the atmosphere of the promotion, but also and how it symbolically "restored" the spirit and memory of the former life and presence of Jews in Tešanj. Special attention is given to the more Albahari family members, whose descendant is also the author of this article.en
dc.publisherTešanj : Tešanj.netsr
dc.subjectJevreji - Tešanjsr
dc.subjectJews - Tešanjsr
dc.subjectNisim Albahari (1916-1991) - biografijasr
dc.subjectNisim Albahari (1916-1991) - biographysr
dc.subjectAlbahari, porodice (families)sr
dc.titlePonovo se tešanjskom čaršijom začulo prezime Albaharisr
dc.titleThe surname Albahari was heard again in the Tešanj bazaaren
dcterms.abstractAлбахари, Aрон; Поново се тешањском чаршијом зачуло презиме Aлбахари; Поново се тешањском чаршијом зачуло презиме Aлбахари;
dcterms.abstractAлбахари, Aрон; Поново се тешањском чаршијом зачуло презиме Aлбахари; Поново се тешањском чаршијом зачуло презиме Aлбахари;
dc.rights.holderAron Albaharisr
dc.description.otherPrilog je objavljen na portalu Teš - Stranica grada (the contribution was published on the portal Teš - Stranica grada).sr
dc.description.otherRad je objavljen u knjizi "Kritičari o Amiru Brki" koju je priredio Muhidin Džanko (Tešanj, Opća biblioteka, 2020, str. 477-478).
dc.description.otherThe paper was published in the book "Kritičari o Amiru Brki" (Critics about Amir Brko) edited by Muhidin Džanko (Tešanj, Opća biblioteka, 2020, pp. 477-478).en



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