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The Serbian-Jewish Choral Society (The "Braća Baruh" Choir) - 125 Years of Existence

dc.contributorČičanović, Sonja
dc.creatorHofman, Ivan
dc.description.abstractOsnivanje Srpsko-jevrejskog horskog društva 1879. godine nastalo je kao posledica povoljnije klime u kojoj su Jevreji u Srbiji počeli da žive u drugoj polovini XIX veka. Srpska sredina ih je prihvatila kao ravnopravne građane, počeli su da izlaze iz svog geta i da se angažuju u kulturnom, ekonomskom, a kasnije i političkom životu zemlje. Iz ovih razloga, hor je od samog početka bio otvoren za Srbe, koji su u njegovom radu učestvovali kao dirigenti i pevači, a pored jevrejskih kompozicija, na njegovom repertoaru bila su i srpska muzička dela. Tokom prvih dvadeset godina svog postojanja, hor je bio isključivo muški, što je i razumljivo, s obzirom na konzervativnost tadašnjeg društva. Vreme je pokazalo da je takva struktura hora ograničavala njegov dalji razvoj, te su na samom kraju XIX veka i žene popunile njegove redove. Mešovitom horu otvorile su se sjajne perspektive jer je mogao da proširi svoj repertoar. Konačno, učešće žena naglašava obrazovnu i emancipatorsku ulogu hora u, tada još uvek zaostalom, jevrejskom
dc.description.abstractThe founding of the Serbian-Jewish Choral Society in 1879 occurred as a consequence of a more favourable climate in which the Jews in Serbia started living in the second half of the XIX century. The Serbian milieu accepted them as equal right citizens and they started coming out of their ghetto and becoming engaged in the cultural, economic and, later on, political life of the country. For these reasons, the choir was from the very start open to Serbs, who participated in its work as conductors and singers and, besides Jewish compositions, its repertoire included Serbian pieces of music as well. During the first twenty years of its existence, the choir was exclusively male, which is understandable, considering the conservatism of the society at the time. Time showed that such a structure of the choir curbed its further development and, at the very end of the XIX century women filled its ranks as well. Brilliant prospects opened for the mixed choir, as it was able to expand its repertoire. Finally, the participation of women accented the educational and emancipating role of the choir in the still backward Jewish milieu.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Hor "Braća Baruh"sr
dc.subjectHor "Braća Baruh" (Beograd) - 1879-2004sr
dc.subject"Braća Baruh" Choir (Belgrade) - 1879-2004sr
dc.subjectSrpsko-jevrejsko pevačko društvosr
dc.subjectThe Serbian-Jewish Choral Societysr
dc.titleSrpsko-jevrejsko pevačko društvo (Hor "Braća Baruh"): 125 godina trajanjasr
dc.titleThe Serbian-Jewish Choral Society (The "Braća Baruh" Choir) - 125 Years of Existenceen
dcterms.abstractХофман, Иван; Српско-јеврејско певачко друштво (Хор "Браћа Барух") : 125 година трајања; Српско-јеврејско певачко друштво (Хор "Браћа Барух") : 125 година трајања;
dcterms.abstractХофман, Иван; Српско-јеврејско певачко друштво (Хор "Браћа Барух"): 125 година трајања; Српско-јеврејско певачко друштво (Хор "Браћа Барух"): 125 година трајања;
dc.rights.holderHor "Braća Baruh"sr
dc.description.otherMonografija "Srpsko-jevrejsko pevačko društvo (Hor ’Braća Baruh’) - 125 godina trajanja" osvojila je prvu nagradu na 48. nagradnom konkursu Saveza jevrejskih opština Srbije i Crne Gore, 2004. godine (The monograph "Serbian-Jewish Choral Society (The 'Braća Baruh' Choir - 125 years of Existence") won the first prize at the 48th prize competition of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbia and Montenegro, in 2004).sr



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