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Maimonides Rambam: memorial volume on the occasion of the eight-hundredth anniversary of his birth : 1135-1935

dc.contributorLevi, Moric
dc.contributorŠik, Lavoslav
dc.contributorOzmo, Daniel
dc.contributorMaestro, Jakov
dc.description.abstractJevrejsko kulturno društvo "La Benevolencia" želi da se ovom Spomenicom priključi onim mnogobrojnim manifestacijama kojima je širom cijelog svijeta, gdjegod žive Jevreji, obilježena osamstogodišnjica od rođenja Moše ben Majmona (Rambama). Veliki mislilac, i još veći zakonodavac, Majmonides je najznačajnija duhovna figura među Jevrejima, jer se bez njega ne može ni zamisliti posebni duhovni život jevrejskih zajednica, niti razvoj pojedinih vjerskih disciplina uopšte, od vremena njegovog djelovanja do danas. Majmonides je, međutim, i jedno vrlo krupno ime u istoriji onog filozofskog i naučnog razdoblja na Pirinejskom poluostrvu koje je dalo novu sadržinu i jak zamah misaonom radu cijele Evrope onoga vremena. Zbog toga on spada u krug onih srednjevjekovnih mislilaca koji su svojim djelom položili prve osnove racionalističkoj filozofiji u doba Preporoda. Ovakva ocjena njegove filozofske pojave dala je povoda ogromnom broju napisa i knjiga u kojima su mislioci svih evropskih naroda prikazali Majmonidesov rad. Španija, domovina Majmonidesova, odala je na poseban način poštu svom velikom sinu time što je proslavi osamstogodišnjice njegova rođenja dala zvaničan karakter. Svečanosti održane tim povodom u istorijskoj Kordovi, rodnom gradu Majmonidesovom, bile su i bogate svojom sadržinom i dostojanstvene svojom formom; međutim, za nas Jevreje one imaju i jedan duboki istorijski smisao, baš zato što su se one održale u jednoj zemlji u kojoj se odigrao jedan koliko dug toliko i sudbonosan period naše istorije.sr
dc.description.abstractThe Jewish Cultural Society "La Benevolencia" wants to join this memorial with the numerous events that mark the eight-hundredth anniversary of the birth of Moshe ben Maimon (Rambam) around the world, wherever Jews live. The great thinker, and even greater legislator, Maimonides is the most important spiritual figure among Jews, because without him one cannot imagine the special spiritual life of Jewish communities, nor the development of certain religious disciplines in general, from the time of his activity until today. However, Maimonides is also a very huge name in the history of that philosophical and scientific period on the Iberian Peninsula, which gave new content and a strong elan to the thought work of the whole of Europe at that time. Therefore, he belongs to the circle of those medieval thinkers who laid the first foundations of rationalist philosophy in the Renaissance. This assessment of his philosophical appearance gave rise to a huge number of articles and books in which thinkers of all European nations presented the work of Maimonides. Spain, the homeland of Maimonides, paid tribute to its famous son in a special way by giving the celebration of the eight-hundredth anniversary of his birth an official character. The festivities held on that occasion in the historic Cordoba, the hometown of Maimonides, were both rich in content and dignified in form; however, for us Jews, they also have a deep historical meaning, precisely because they took place in a country where a period as long and as fateful as our history took place.en
dc.publisherSarajevo : La Benevolenciasr
dc.subjectMoses ben Maimon (1135-1204)sr
dc.subjectAbū ʿImran Mūsā ibn Maymūn ibn ʿUbayd Allāh (Majmonides)sr
dc.titleMaimonides Rambam : spomenica povodom osamstogodišnjice od njegovog rođenja: 1135-1935sr
dc.titleMaimonides Rambam: memorial volume on the occasion of the eight-hundredth anniversary of his birth : 1135-1935en
dcterms.abstractМаимонидес Рамбам : споменица поводом осамстогодишњице од његовог рођења : 1135-1935; Маимонидес Рамбам : споменица поводом осамстогодишњице од његовог рођења : 1135-1935;
dcterms.abstractМаимонидес Рамбам : споменица поводом осамстогодишњице од његовог рођења: 1135-1935; Маимонидес Рамбам : споменица поводом осамстогодишњице од његовог рођења: 1135-1935;
dc.description.otherStr. 109-135: Bibliographia Maimonidica.sr



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