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Ketubah - Jewish marriage contract: exhibition of the Jewish community of Pancevo, National Museum of Pancevo, December 2011.

dc.contributorPanić, Barbara
dc.creatorKon Panić, Miroslava
dc.creatorSinger, Dragan
dc.description.abstractU jevrejskoj kulturi i nasleđu tradicija venčanja i određenih obrednih radnji i običaja održala se hiljadama godina. Poseban značaj ima ketuba, bračni ugovor, koji je kod Jevreja neodvojivi deo ceremonije stupanja u brak. Ketuba doslovno znači: ono što je napisano. Vreme nastanka bračnog ugovora u pisanoj formi nije tačno utvrđeno. Prve pisane izjave bile su sročene jednostavno, a postajale bi punovažne činom njihovog uručivanja nevesti, u prisustvu dva svedoka. Iz apokrifnih biblijskih spisa zna se da je u IV ili III veku p.n.e. pisanje ketuba bilo opšte prihvaćeno. Još рге nego što je tekst ugovora jasno formulisan u periodu nastanka Talmuda, rabini su ovom dokumentu pridavali izuzetan značaj, bez kojeg brak nije smatran
dc.description.abstractIn Jewish culture and heritage, the tradition of weddings and certain rituals and customs has been maintained for thousands of years. Of special significance is the ketubah, the marriage contract, which is an inseparable part of the marriage ceremony for Jews. Ketubah literally means: what is written. The time of the marriage contract in writing has not been determined exactly. The first written statements were made simply and would become valid by the act of handing them over to the bride, in the presence of two witnesses. From the apocryphal biblical writings, it is known that in the IV or III century BC. ketubah writing was generally accepted. Even more than the text of the contract was clearly formulated in the period of the creation of the Talmud, the rabbis give great importance to this document - without it, marriage was not considered legal.en
dc.publisherPančevo : Jevrejska opštinasr
dc.subjectbračni ugovori - Jevrejisr
dc.subjectmarriage contract - Jewssr
dc.subjectKetuba, izložbeni katalogsr
dc.subjectKetubah, exhibition catalogsr
dc.titleKetuba - Jevrejski bračni ugovor: izložba Jevrejske opštine Pančevo, Narodni muzej Pančevo, decembar
dc.titleKetubah - Jewish marriage contract: exhibition of the Jewish community of Pancevo, National Museum of Pancevo, December 2011.en
dcterms.abstractКон Панић, Мирослава; Сингер, Драган; Кетуба - Јеврејски брачни уговор: изложба Јеврејске општине Панчево, Народни музеј Панчево, децембар 2011.; Кетуба - Јеврејски брачни уговор: изложба Јеврејске општине Панчево, Народни музеј Панчево, децембар 2011.;
dc.rights.holderJevrejska opština Pančevosr
dc.description.otherNaslovna strana: Ketuba iz Venecije (Italija), polovina XVII veka (The Jewish National and University Library).sr
dc.description.otherCover page: Ketuba of Venice (Italy), half of the 17th century (The Jewish National and University Library).en

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