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dc.contributorAlbahari, David
dc.creatorFinci, Sabitaj Buki
dc.description.abstractPisac David Albahari zabeležio je sećanja Bukija Fincija, kako ih je ispričao tokom njihovih višednevnih razgovora u Opatiji početkom 1980. godine. Te godine, u jesen, Buki Finci je umro. Sahranjen je u Beogradu. Od obilja materijala (preko 30 sati razgovora snimljenog na traci), David Albahari je odabrao i pripremio najzanimljivije fragmente iz života ovog jevrejskog Jugoslovena. Sabitaj Buki Finci započinje priču opisom svog detinjstva i mladosti u Osijeku. Rođen je u jevrejskoj porodici, poštovao je tradiciju, ali je imao i snažan osećaj brige i ljubavi prema susedima, posebno prema siromašnima i onima koji pate. Mladost je proveo okružen grupom istomišljenika, naprednih mladih ljudi koji su pomagali siromašnima i sakupljali „crveni fond pomoći“. Drugi svetski rat je za Fincija, isto kao i za ostale Jevreje i jugoslovenske patriote, bio prava „golgota“. Uhapšen je na samom početku nemačke okupacije, ali ovaj događaj mu je spasio život, jer je nekoliko meseci kasnije otkrivena njegova levo orijentisana grupa i svi njeni članovi su streljani. Buki je bio zatvoren u Zagrebu, odakle je, nakon puštanja, uz pomoć prijatelja otišao u Kostajnicu, gradić u okolini Sušaka, koji je u to vreme bio pod italijanskom okupacijom. Tu se skrivao pod imenom Radomir Finčić. Njegov mladalački duh, čežnja za slobodom i patriotizam primorali su ga da stupi u kontakt sa omladinskim i partijskim liderima tog regiona, i da zajedno sa njima učestvuje u izvršavanju niza zadataka… Do poslednjeg trenutka svog života Sabataj Buki Finci je ostao veran sebi - bio je levičar, revolucionar, jugoslovenski, jevrejski, a pre svega humana i pravedna osoba. Tokom svog života Buki Finci je osnovao kulturni i humanitarni fond. Prema njegovom testamentu dr Ladislav Kadelburg i David Albahari imenovani su za izvršioce njegove oporuke koja podrazumeva kontrolu tog kulturno-humanitarnog fonda. Do sada je Fond već podržao mnoge humanitarne i kulturne aktivnosti: horu „Braća Baruh“ se neprestano pomaže, podržano je izdavanje niza publikacija i davani su prilozi za organizaciju nekoliko izložbi u Jevrejskom istorijskom muzeju. Pored toga, određeni resursi izdvojeni su za nagradne konkurse Saveza jevrejskih opština u oblasti književnosti, naučnog rada i memoarskih materijala. Nagrada „Buki Finci“ ustanovljena je za prevode koji se tiču tema iz jevrejskog života. Početkom 1994. godine pokrenuta je procedura za zvaničnu registraciju “Jevrejskog kulturno-humanitarnog fonda - Sabitaj Buki Finci”, kao i za utvrđivanje pravila Fonda i imenovanje upravnog odbora. Jedna od prvih realizovanih odluka ovog odbora je štampanje publikacije “Sećanja na Bukija Fincija” kroz koju će se sačuvati trajna uspomena na ovog dobrotvora i impresivnu lič
dc.description.abstractDavid Albahari, a writer, wrote down the memories of Buki Finci, as narrated by Finci during several day-long conversations those two men had in Opatija in early 1980. In the autumn of that уеаг Buki Finci died, and he was buried in Belgrade. Out of an abundance of material (over 30 hours of conversation recorded on the tape), David Albahari selected and prepared the most interesting fragments from the life of this Jewish Yugoslav. Sabitaj Buki Finci starts the story with a description of his childhood and youth in Osijek. He was born into a Jewish family, respectful to their tradition, but with the strong sense of саге and love for neighbours, especially for the рооr and those which suffer. He spent his youth surrounded by manу like-minded progressive young people, helping the poor and gathering “the red aid fund”. The Second World War was real “Golgotha” for Finci, same as for manу other Yews and Yugoslav patriots. He was arrested at the very beginning of the German occupation, but this event turned out to be one which saved his life, as a few months later his left-oriented group was discovered and all its members were executed by firing squad. Buki was imprisoned in Zagreb, and from there, after being released, he went with the help of his friends to Kostajnica, a small town near of Sušak, which in those times was under Italian occupation. He was hiding there under the name Radomir Finčić. His youthful spirit, longing for freedom and patriotism forced him to get in touch with youth and party leaders of that region, and along with them, he participated in the carrying out of a series of tasks. Until the very last moment of his life, Sabataj Buki Finci stayed true to himself - he was a left-winger, a revolutionary, Yugoslav, Jewish, and above all a humane and righteous person... Buki Finci established on the basis of his own property cultural and humanitarian fund. The will of Sabataj Buki Finci, Dr Ladislav Kadelburg and David Albahari were appointed executors of his will concerning the control of the Cultural and Humanitarian Fund. Ву now the Fund has already supported manу humanitarian and cultural activities: the Choir “Braća Baruh” has been helped constantly, the issuing of a number of publications was supported and contributions towards the organisation of several exhibitions in The Jewish History Museum were given. In addition to this, certain resources аrе set aside for prize competitions of the Association of Jewish Communities in the field of literature, scientific work and memoirs material. The prize “Buki Finci” is established for translations concerning the treaties from Jewish life. At the beginning of 1994, the executors of the Will initiated the рrоcedure for the official registration of Jewish Cultural and Humanitarian Fund - Sabataj Buki Finci, as well as for the establishment of the Fund Rules and appointment of an Administrative Board. One of the first realized decisions of this board is the printing of the publication "Memories of Buki Finci", through which a lasting memory of this benefactor and an impressive person will be preserved.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Jevrejski kulturni i humanitarni fond "Sabitaj Buki Finci"sr
dc.subjectSabitaj Buki Finci - biografijasr
dc.subjectSabitaj Buki Finci - biographysr
dc.subjectJevrejski kulturno-humanitarni fond - Sabitaj Buki Fincisr
dc.subjectJewish Cultural and Humanitarian Fund - Sabataj Buki Fincisr
dc.subjectPravila Jevrejskog kulturnog i humanitarnog fonda "Sabitaj Buki Finci" Beogradsr
dc.subjectRegulations of the Jewish Cultural and Humanitarian Fund "Sabitaj Buki Finci" Belgradesr
dcterms.abstractФинци, Сабитај Буки; Мемориес; Мемориес; Сећања; Сећања;
dc.rights.holderJevrejski kulturni i humanitarni fond "Sabitaj Buki Finci"sr
dc.description.otherSadrži i: Pravila Jevrejskog kulturnog i humanitarnog fonda "Sabitaj-Buki Finci" Beograd (Contains: Regulations of the Jewish Cultural and Humanitarian Fund "Sabitaj-Buki Finci" Belgrade).en

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