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Memories: at the time when I was the president of the Federation (1994-2007)

dc.contributor.otherAlbahari, David
dc.contributor.otherDavid, Filip
dc.creatorSinger, Aca
dc.description.abstractTekstovi u knjizi “Sećanja : na vreme kada sam bio predsednik Saveza (1994-2007)” objavljeni su po redosledu koji je napravio autor. S tim u vezi, treba istaći da je reč o zapisima svedoka i učesnika istorijskih zbivanja u delu stvarnosti koja se, рге svega, odnosi na Jevreje u Srbiji, a ne o radu profesionalnog istoričara. Ova sećanja su značajan prilog novijoj istoriji jevrejske zajednice u Srbiji i sve što je objavljeno može biti predmet interesa onih koji nastoje ili će nastojati da se upoznaju sa pojedinim događajima vezanim za ovdašnje Jevreje, pri kraju prošlog i početkom ovoga veka. Neka poglavlja bave se internim pitanjima jevrejske zajednice i kao takva mogu biti zanimljiva рге svega članovima zajednice - dok druga, naročito ona u kojima se piše o pojavama antisemitizma u našoj zemlji, o restituciji jevrejske imovine, o Zakonu o povraćaju imovine crkvama i verskim zajednicama... svakako jesu teme od šireg značaja. Sećanja Ace Singera nisu napisana na uobičajeni, biografski ili hronološki način, već se odlučio na podelu po temama, odnosno obavezama sa kojima se Savez jevrejskih opština bavio tokom tih godina. Izabrao je, zapravo, najbolju varijantu, јег je na taj način mogao u potpunosti da se posveti svakoj temi ponaosob. Rad na nekim od tih tema - kao što je, na primer, antisemitizam - nije nikada prestajao, a bilo je i mnogo onih na kojima se radilo po nekoliko godina, uz duže i kraće prekide, i koje bi bilo nemoguće prikazati u hronološki nanizanim sećanjima…sr
dc.description.abstractThe texts in the book "Memories: at the time when I was the president of the Federation (1994-2007)" were published in the order made by the author. In this regard, it should be noted that these are records of witnesses and participants in historical events in the part of reality that, above all, refers to Jews in Serbia, and not about the work of a professional historian. These memories are a significant contribution to the recent history of the Jewish community in Serbia, and everything that has been published may be of interest to those who are trying or will try to get knowledge about certain events related to local Jews at the end of the past and beginning of last century. Some chapters deal with the internal affairs of the Jewish community and as such may be of interest to members of the community - while others, especially those dealing with anti-Semitism in our country, restitution of Jewish property, the Law on Restitution to Churches and Religious Communities... they are certainly topics of wider significance. Singer's memoirs were not written in the usual, biographical or chronological way, but he decided to divide them according to the topics, i.e. obligations that the Federation of Jewish Communities dealt with during those years. He chose, in fact, the best variant, so that he could fully dedicate himself to each topic individually. Work on some of these topics - such as, for example, anti-Semitism - never stopped, and there were many that lasts several years, with longer and shorter breaks, and which would be impossible to portray in chronologically arranged memories...en
dc.publisherZemun : Jevrejski kulturni i humanitarni fond "Sabitaj Buki Finci"sr
dc.subjectAca Singer - sećanja (memories)sr
dc.subjectSavez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije - u sećanjimasr
dc.subjectFederetion of Jewish Communities in Yugoslavia - in memoriessr
dc.titleSećanja: na vreme kada sam bio predsednik Saveza (1994-2007). Deo 1sr
dc.titleMemories: at the time when I was the president of the Federation (1994-2007)en
dcterms.abstractAлбахари, Давид; Давид, Филип; Сингер, Aца; Сећања: на време када сам био председник Савеза (1994-2007). Део 1; Сећања: на време када сам био председник Савеза (1994-2007). Део 1;
dc.rights.holderJevrejski kulturni i humanitarni fond "Sabitaj Buki Finci"sr



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