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Jews - our fellow citizens [DVD]

dc.contributorIdei, Šandor
dc.creatorKrsmanović, Dragan
dc.description.abstractFilm počinje kraćim istorijatom koji govori o poreklu i životu Jevreja na prostoru Bliskog Istoka, te njihovom raseljavanju i odlasku u Dijasporu posle poraza u ratovima sa Rimskim carstvom. Zatim prati vremena i pravce doseljavanja Jevreja na prostor Balkana i Srbije, pre svega u 14. i 15. veku. Govoreći o opštim istorijskim okolnostima života u Srbiji u srednjem veku, pa potom u vreme turske okupacije, te Srbije za vreme vladavine dinastije Obrenovića, film prikazuje život i status Jevreja u tim vremenima na prostoru današnje Srbije. Daju se osnovni podaci o njima sa kraja 18. i tokom 19. veka, a posebno iz prve polovine 20. veka. Film prati uključivanje Jevreja u kulturni, društveni i poslovni život Srbije, sa posebnim osvrtom na učestvovanje Jevreja u Balkanskim i Prvom svetskom ratu, u borbama za slobodu i nacionalnu emancipaciju Srbije. Posebno se pominje angažovanje Jevreja između dva svetska rata na polju zanatstva i privrede. Nažalost, film se u drugoj polovini bavi pitanjem pravnog obespravljivanja, pljačkanja a potom i fizičkog uništavanja ogromnog broja Jevreja u vreme Drugog svetskog rata i okupacije Srbije. Zanimljiv je prikaz o Jevrejima oficirima koji su kao vojnici Kraljevine Jugoslavije bili zatvorenici u vojnom logoru Osnabrik u Nemačkoj. Posebno su pomenuti i Jevreji učesnici partizanskog Narodnooslobodilačkog pokreta, koji su dali svoj doprinos pobedi nad nacizmom. Film završava na Dorćolu, kod spomenika posvećenog poginulim Jevrejima Beograda, uz pominjanje onih koji su ostali u Srbiji i obnovili život zajednice, ali i onih koji su svoj novi dom našli u ponovo uspostavljenoj državi Izrael.sr
dc.description.abstractThe film begins with a short history, talking about the origin and life of Jews in the Middle East, and their displacement and exodus to the Diaspora after the defeat in the wars with the Roman Empire. Then follows the times and directions of the immigration of Jews to the Balkans and Serbia, primarily in the 14th and 15th centuries. Speaking about the general historical circumstances of life in Serbia in the Middle Ages, then during the Turkish occupation, and about Serbia during the rule of the Obrenović dynasty, the film shows the life and status of Jews in those times in today's Serbia. Basic data on them from the end of the 18th and during the 19th century, and especially from the first half of the 20th century, are given. The film follows the inclusion of Jews in the cultural, social and business life of Serbia, with special reference to the participation of Jews in the Balkans and the First World War, in the struggle for freedom and national emancipation of Serbia. Special mention is made of the engagement of Jews between the two world wars in the field of crafts and economy. Unfortunately, in the second half, the film deals with the issue of legal disenfranchisement, looting and then the physical destruction of a huge number of Jews during the Second World War and the occupation of Serbia. An interesting description is about Jewish officers who, as soldiers of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, were prisoners in the Osnabrück military camp in Germany. Special mention was made of the Jews who participated in the partisan People's Liberation Movement, who gave their contribution to the victory over Nazism. The film ends in Dorcol, near the monument dedicated to the perished Jews of Belgrade, with the mention of those who left in Serbia and renewed the life of the community, but also those who found their new home in the newly established state of Israel.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Jevrejski istorijski muzej Savez jevrejskih opština Srbijesr
dc.subjectJevreji - Srbijasr
dc.subjectJews - Serbiasr
dc.titleJevreji naši sugrađani [DVD]sr
dc.titleJews - our fellow citizens [DVD]sr
dcterms.abstractКрсмановић, Драган; Јевреји наши суграђани [ДВД]; Јевреји наши суграђани [ДВД];
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities in Serbiasr
dc.description.other1 elektronski optički disk (CD-ROM) : slika, zvuk, video, tekst (1 electronic optical disc (CD-ROM); picture, sound, video, text).sr
dc.description.otherTrajanje 40:01 minuta (duration 40:01 minutes).sr



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