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Gundulićev venac street (Dreams, memories and reality)

dc.creatorAjzinberg, Aleksandar
dc.description.abstract"Sanjao sam tu kuću bezbroj puta. Video sam je u snovima onakvu kakva se nekad mogla videti sa ulice ali, sanjajući je, nikada u nju nisam ulazio. Ispred kuće je bilo dvorište, ne baš isto kao što je bilo nekada. U mojim snovima je to dvorište bilo bez one trešnje, bez ruža i šimšira i u njoj su bili neki strani ljudi kojih se treba kloniti. Sada tog dvorišta nema. Umesto njega nalazi se višespratnica, zgrada ružna i velika, možda najružnija u gradu. Interfon na ulazu nije radio. Stepenište koje vodi na sprat sam zaobišao, a tamo desno, nalazi se jedno drugo stepenište koje vodi nadole, u podrum, u podzemlje ili u neko sećanje. Usko je, a na njegovom kraju je hodnik, koji vodi tamo. Hodnik je, čini mi se, još uži od stepeništa i zakrčen je stvarima, stvarima sasvim nepotrebnim, koje su ukućani ko zna kada i zbog čega ovamo doneli, zapravo odbacili. Srećom kratak je i završava se stepeništem koje se penje. Možda ono vodi u neki drugi svet, u neku drugu stvarnost, jer vodi do kuće koju sam često sanjao..."sr
dc.description.abstract"I dreamed of that house countless times. I saw it in my dreams as it could once be seen from the street, but when I dreamed of it, I never entered it. In front of the house was a yard, not quite the same as it used to be. In my dreams. that yard was without that cherry, without roses and boxwood, and there were some foreign people to stay away from. Now that yard is gone. Instead, there is a high-rise, ugly and large building, perhaps the ugliest in town. The intercom at the entrance didn't work I went around the staircase that leads to the first floor, and there to the right, there is another staircase that leads down to the basement, to the basement or to some memory. It is narrow, and at its end is a corridor that leads there. It seems to me that the hallway is even narrower than the stairs and it is clogged with things, things that are completely unnecessary, which the occupants, who know when and why they brought here, actually rejected. Luckily it is short and ends with a staircase that climbs. Maybe it leads to another world, to another reality, because it leads to the house I often dreamed of ... "en
dc.publisherBeograd : A. Ajzinbergsr
dc.subjectAleksandar Ajzinberg - sećanja (memories)sr
dc.titleGundulićev venac 53 (Snovi, sećanja i stvarnost)sr
dc.titleGundulićev venac street (Dreams, memories and reality)en
dcterms.abstractAјзинберг, Aлександар; Гундулићев венац 53 (Снови, сећања и стварност); Гундулићев венац 53 (Снови, сећања и стварност);
dcterms.abstractAјзинберг, Aлександар; Гундулићев венац 53 (Снови, сећања и стварност); Гундулићев венац 53 (Снови, сећања и стварност);
dc.rights.holderAleksandar Ajzinbergsr



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