Приказ резултата 405-424 од 475

      Status Judeo-španskog u Jugoslaviji do 1941. godine [1]
      Status żydowsko-hiszpańskiego w Jugosławii do 1941. [1]
      Stav vlasti nove Jugoslavije po pitanju rešavanja problema razdvojenih porodica (1945-1952) [1]
      Struggle, laughter and survival: Partisan Haggada - the only Jewish-Spanish parody of the Passover Hagada, created in Yugoslav free territory during the Holocaust (online lecture) [1]
      Sudbina jevrejske zajednice na Kosovu i Metohiji u toku rata 1998-1999. i posleratnom periodu [1]
      Supporting members of the Union of Rabbis of the Kingdom of S. H. S. [1]
      Španski Jevreji južnoslovenskih zemalja [1]
      The "Kindertransport" from the Independent State of Croatia in February 1943 [1]
      The Banat Jews in the Joseph's II period [1]
      The destiny of the Jewish community in Kosovo and Metohija during the war in 1998-1999 and the post-war period [1]
      The Fourth regular congress of the Federation of Jewish religious communities in Belgrade [1]
      The giving of the Torah in Kanjiža [1]
      The Jewish community and antisemitism in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes /Yugoslavia 1918-1941 [1]
      The Jewish Historical Museum in Belgrade [1]
      The Jewish squadron of the first Yugoslav overseas brigade in Word War II [1]
      The last Jew in Šid: From Galicia, through the camp to Srem [1]
      The Law on the Religious Community of Jews in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia [separate] [1]
      The participation of Yugoslav Jews in the National Liberation War [1]
      The position and perspectives of the Jewish community in Yugoslavia [1]
      The position of the Jewish community in Yugoslavia [1]