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Jews of Novi Pazar and the surroundings

dc.creatorMentović, Mento
dc.creatorAjbl, Mirjana
dc.description.abstractJevreji Novog Pazara i okoline živeli su na ovim prostorima oko 250 godina. Uživali su ravnopravnost i uzajamno poštovanje nacionalnih, verskih prava i kulture sa ostalim stanovnicima. Sa njima su delili sudbinu, trpeli bolesti, požare, poplave, gubili imovinu, učestvovali u ratovima. Jevreji su bili lojalni građani i dali su značajan doprinos privrednom i društvenom životu sredini koju su doživljavali kao svoju. Okupacijom Kraljevine Jugoslavije nacisti su, početkom marta 1942. godine, nasilno odveli oko 300 Jevreje iz Novog Pazara i Duge Poljane na staro Sajmište u Beogradu, gde su do maja 1942. godine ugušeni u gasnom kamionu. Upoznavanje šire javnosti sa životom Jevreja na području Novog Pazara i okoline i opisivanje tragičnih događaja koji su se dešavali u ovom kraju, početkom Drugog svetskog rata, kada je stradalo gotovo celokupno jevrejsko stanovništvo, ima za cilj očuvanje sećanja na kulturu i tradiciju Jevreja i njihovu personalizaciju, tako da se o njima ne govori kao o broju koji je stradao, već da se ukaže na to da su iza tih brojki bili ljudi koji su imali svoje živote sa svojim nadanjima, strahovima, željama. Ova knjiga ima za cilj da se sačuvaju saznanja o životu i radu ove zajednice i prenesu budućim generacijama univerzalne poruke o jednakosti, humanosti, toleranciji i kulturnim različitostima, koje bi trebalо da sprečavaju ponavljanje njihovih sudbina za bilo koga, bez obzira na nacionalnu, religijsku ili rasnu pripadnost. Fragmenti sećanja na novopazarske Jevreje, koje su pisali Novopazarci različitih nacionalnosti, prikazanih u knjizi, imaju poseban značaj, jer gotovo sva svedočanstva i sećanja pokazuju trenutke radosti, veselja, lepote življenja, međusobnog poštovanja i prijateljstva koje je vladalo među ljudima nezavisno od njihovog nacionalnog porekla i verskog opredeljenja, ali pokazuju i iskrenu patnju i tugu zbog onoga što im se dogodilo. Ova knjiga predstavlja doprinos istoriografiji Novog Pazara i okoline i istinitu interpretaciju sudbine novopazarskih Jevreja i doprinos borbi protiv povremenog antisemitizma i iskrivljene
dc.description.abstractIn Novi Pazar, Raška, Sjenica, Tutin, and Duga Poljana a Jewish community lived there for several centuries with approximately 300 people. Under the Occupation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia at the beginning of March 1942, the Nazis forcefully took all Jews to the old exhibition center (Staro Sajmište) in Belgrade, where they were kept there until May 1942. When 292 Jews from Novi Pazar and the surrounding area was suffocated in a truck from the exhaust fumes of the vehicle they were in. The main goal of this publication is to preserve the identity, cultural values and traditions of the Jewish community. They lived in the territory of Novi Pazar and its surroundings until March 1942, when it was destroyed in the Holocaust. Using the data from the archives, literature, and memories of people who lived together with the Jews, the fate of the Novi Pazar Jews is personalized so that they are not only referred to as the number of casualties, but rather that they were people behind that number. They had their lives, hopes, fears, aspirations and memories that will be described to the citizens of this multiethnic environment in order to inform them and educate them about the Holocaust. The publication is made up of two parts, with eight chapters. Historical data about the Jewish population living in this area is given in the first chapter. The life of the Jews since their move to the Balkans until the start of World War Two is depicted in the second chapter. Most of the text is about life in their community, in all stages of life, along with economic and social status. The third and fourth chapters are the tragic events that destroyed the Jews and took place between the years of 1942. and 1945., along with their return after the war. The chapters also discuss the righteous people from the Balkans that helped the Jews. The second part of the book is divided into Memories and Portraits - the neighbors we had that are now gone. The memories of thirty respectable citizens, of different nationalities, about their lives alongside the Jews and their different origins, nationality, and religion. These documents are from Novi Pazar, Raška, Tutin, Sjenica, and Duga Poljana. Through their testimonies, it is shown that peaceful life is achievable, with mutual tolerance and acceptance of differences. From this, we can notice subtle and early starts of antisemitism in all, especially multicultural environments, and we can further prevent similar tragedies from taking place ever again. Four Jewish families are described in Portraits, each living in Novi Pazar but in different periods of history. Each of them contributed significantly to the economy, social life. They all left a mark, which will be kept as a part of nonmaterial culture since there are no more Jews in this area. The lists of the victims of the Holocaust are in the Attachments.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Jevrejski istorijski muzej Savez jevrejskih opština Srbijesr
dc.subjectJevreji - Novi Pazarsr
dc.subjectJews - Novi Pazarsr
dc.subjectHolokaust - Novi Pazarsr
dc.titleJevreji Novog Pazara i okolinesr
dc.titleJews of Novi Pazar and the surroundingsen
dcterms.abstractAјбл, Мирјана; Ментовић, Менто; Јевреји Новог Пазара и околине; Јевреји Новог Пазара и околине;
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities in Serbiasr
dc.description.otherFotografije na koricama: (prednja) Megillat Esther, Judaica; (zadnja) El Ćupri čiko, A. Nikšić.sr

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