Приказ резултата 4-23 од 116

      About the Sephardic Jews language [1]
      Abraham Kapon [1]
      An old statute of the Jewish Sephardic community in Sarajevo [1]
      Annual Conference of the Society for Sephardic Studies "Sephardic Jews between Religious, Ethnic, and National Identity" (10 ; 2022 ; Belgrade) [1]
      Ashkenazim and Sephardim: language miscellanea [1]
      Aškenazi i Sefardi: lingvistička građa [1]
      Avia de ser, escena de la vida de un tiempo, kon romansas, de laura Papo "Bohoreta": edision sientifika, anotada i komentada [1]
      Balkan and Slovenian elements in the Judeo-Spanish language of Yugoslavia [1]
      Balkanski i slovenski elementi u judeo-španskom jeziku Jugoslavije [1]
      Between modernity and tradition, feminism and patriarchy: life and work of Laura Papo "Bohoreta", first playwright in the Judeo-Spanish language [1]
      Bogoslužbeni jezici [1]
      Cechy językowe Žydowsko-Hiszpańskiego dokumentu Rafaela Kamhiego „Granice Macedonii” [1]
      Collection of old Hebrew manuscripts in the Jewish Historical Museum in Belgrade [1]
      Dictionary of Jewish Terms [1]
      Dictionary of rare and uncommon words [5]
      Entre la modernidad y la tradición, el feminismo y la patriarquia: Vida y obra de Laura Papo ´Bohoreta´, primera dramaturga en lengua judeo-española [1]
      Estado de la investigación y bibliografía anotada de la obra literaria de Laura Papo "Bohoreta" [1]
      Filling Lexical Gaps: Spanish as Ibn Verga's First Language of Reference [1]
      Fond starih hebrejskih štampanih knjiga u Jevrejskom istorijskom muzeju u Beogradu [1]
      Form, equipment and book cover of Jewish books [1]