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My home: a memorial album to my families, the Jewish community and the city of Sarajevo

dc.creatorAlbahari, Avi
dc.description.abstract“Ovaj digitalni spomen album posvećen je mojoj porodici, jevrejskoj zajednici grada Sarajeva, a pre svega to je ALBUM KOGA SAM NAPRAVIO ZA MOJU DJECU. Nastao je 2020. godine u vreme Corone. Ideja mi je pala na pamet sasvim slučajno u razgovoru sa mojim prijateljom Yashom Bararon iz Beča. Potreba da stvorim nešto, vizualno, umjetnički album koji će budućim generacijama moje porodice i dece omogućiti da znaju od koga potiču i od kojeg su porijekla. U njegovom kreiranju puno su mi pomogle i dale svoje radove moje kćeri Ornat Dana i Vered i naš sin Dado, koji je i na slici i sa savjetom. Sve je rađeno telefonom i digitalno dok nije stvoren konačni album u štampariji Kibbutz Beeri”.sr
dc.description.abstract"This digital memorial album is dedicated to my family, the Jewish community of Sarajevo city, and above all, it is the ALBUM I MADE FOR MY CHILDREN. It was created in 2020 at the time of the Corona. The idea came through a conversation with my friend Yasha Bararon from Vienna. I need to create something, visually, an art album that will allow future generations of my family and children to know where they come from. My daughters Ornat Dana and Vered and our son Dado, who is in the picture and who with advice, helped me a lot in creating it. Everything was done by phone and digitally until the final album was created in the printing house of Kibbutz Beeri".sr
dc.publisherHadera : Avi Albaharisr
dc.subjectAlbahari, Avi (Bato) - biografijasr
dc.subjectAlbahari, Avi (Bato) - biographysr
dc.subjectAlbahari, Avi (Bato) - digitalni spomen albumsr
dc.subjectAlbahari, Avi (Bato) - digital memorial albumsr
dc.titleMoj dom: spomen album mojim porodicama, jevrejskoj zajednici i gradu Sarajevusr
dc.titleMy home: a memorial album to my families, the Jewish community and the city of Sarajevosr
dc.rights.holder© Avi Albaharisr



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