Now showing items 131-150 of 186

      Rebuilding Palestine [1]
      Reescribir un texto para redefinir una identidad: La Agada de la guerra para el día de Pesah de Nissim Siman-Tov ‘Eli y la autopercepción de los sefardíes de Turquía después de la Primera Guerra Mundial [1]
      Repercussions on dreyfus affair in Croatian public opinion (1894-1906) [1]
      Resistance of Polish Jews during Hitler's Occupation (1939-1944) [1]
      Rewriting a Text as a Way of Redefining an Identity: The War Haggadah for Pesach by Nissim Siman-Tov 'Eli and the Self-perception of Turkish Sepharadim After the WWI [in Spanish] [1]
      Sacrificing Isaac [1]
      Safed, legend and reality: Old Town architecture [1]
      Safed, legenda i stvarnost: arhitektura starog grada [1]
      Sefardi, Aškenazi i nejevrejski narodi: susreti širom Evrope [1]
      Sefardska politika na Balkanu 1900-1940: doktorska disertacija [1]
      Sefardska prezimena na jugoslovenskom tlu do Holokausta i njihova geografska raspoređenost [1]
      Sefardske migracije u rano moderno doba. Putevi povezivanja istočnog i zapadnog Mediterana u postvizantijsko vreme (XVI i XVII vek) [1]
      Sefer - Centar za univerzitetsku nastavu jevrejske civilizacije [1]
      SEFER Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization [Online] [1]
      Sephardi politics in the Balkans 1900-1940: Doctoral dissertation [1]
      Sephardic migrations in the early modern era. Connectivity between the eastern and western Mediterranean in Post-Byzantine times (XVI and XVII centuries) [1]
      Sephardic surnames in Yugoslav territory before the Holocaust and their geographical distribution [1]
      Sephardim, Ashkenazim and Non-Jewish Peoples: encounters across Europe [1]
      Short History of the Jewish People [1]
      Short History of the Jewish People (online) [1]