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The social perception of Anne Frank’s Diary in Yugoslav communism

dc.creatorStipić, Davor
dc.description.abstractPočevši od prve polovine pedesetih godina 20. veka, a naročito u decenijama koje su sledile, Ana Frank je postala jedan od najprepoznatljivijih simbola progona i stradanja Jevreja u toku Drugog svetskog rata. Od kada je, 1956. godine, prvi put objavljen u Jugoslaviji, „Dnevnik Ane Frank“ stekao je kultni status u jugoslovenskoj kulturi sećanja na civilne žrtve rata. Članak predstavlja prikaz i analizu različitih načina društvene tematizacije lika, dela i nasleđa Ane Frank od izdavanja knjige, snimanja filma i pozorišnih adaptacija Dnevnika koje su izvođene širom Jugoslavije, preko reakcija javnosti na pokušaje osporavanja autentičnosti Dnevnika u Nemačkoj i na sudske procese protiv odgovornih za hapšenje i deportaciju porodice Frank, pa sve do pokušaja domaće štampe da pronađe retke Jugoslovene koji su lično, uglavnom iz logora, poznavali Anu Frank, ili pak čija je sudbina makar u nečemu podsećala na sudbinu najpoznatije žrtve
dc.description.abstractThe Diary of Anne Frank has been translated into more than 70 languages and sold more than 30.000.000 copies so far which means that it has become one of the most influential books ever. Yugoslavia was one of the first communist states in which the Diary was published, and, at the same time, one of just a few countries in the world that produced the movie based on the book. At the beginning of the 1960s Ana Frank had already become a well-known symbol of civil victimhood and suffering during the war and the Holocaust. Over the decades, the newspapers in Yugoslavia were publishing articles about different aspects of the Anne Frank phenomenon regularly, they were interested in different topics such as the post-war activity of Anna̕s father Otto Frank and his foundation, the trials against the ex-Nazi officer responsible for the arrest and deportation of Frank family, controversies about the authenticity of the Diary, but also the press occasionally took an effort to find Yugoslav citizens who believed to know personally while in concentration camp, but also those whose life story was in some parts similar to the fate of Anne Frank. Despite all the popularity that Anna Frank̕s Diary has gained, the Yugoslavian culture of remembrance has never succeeded in incorporating some similar domestic examples of victimhood into the collective historical consciousness. The main reason for this was the nature of Yugoslav politics of remembrance that was mostly dedicated to the cult of struggle, resistance, and heroism, while the civil victims were present in commemorative forms only in the form and amount in which the ideology of Revolution and Pepople̕s Liberation Struggle demanded
dc.publisherBeograd : Filozofski fakultet - Katedra za opštu savremenu istorijusr
dc.sourceGodišnjak za društvenu istorijusr
dc.subject„Dnevnik Ane Frank“ - kultura sećanjasr
dc.subjectHolokaust - Jugoslavijasr
dc.subject"The Diary of Anne Frank" - the culture of memorysr
dc.subjectHolocaust - Yugoslaviasr
dc.titleDruštvena percepcija „Dnevnika Ane Frank“ u jugoslovenskom socijalizmusr
dc.titleThe social perception of Anne Frank’s Diary in Yugoslav communismsr



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