Now showing items 33-52 of 851

      Albert Vajs: 1905-1964: spomenica [1]
      Almanac Winaver: for the theory and history of modern literature [1]
      Almanah Vinaver : za teoriju i istoriju moderne književnost [1]
      And Subotica pretended that everything was fine. The Holocaust as the culmination of decades of tolerance for anti-Semitism [1]
      Anti-semitic propaganda and legislation in Serbia 1939-1942: content, scale, aims and role of the German factor [1]
      Aqua sagrada - Mikveh: un baño ritual en la tradicion Sefardi [1]
      Arabs in Israel. Israel, an Apartheid state - Is it so ?!? [electronic record] [2]
      Arapi u Izraelu. Izrael zemlja Aparthejda - Da li ?!? [elektronski zapis] [1]
      Archival material on Jews in Serbia [2]
      Archival material on Jews in Serbia: travels of Serbian Jews in the last century [1]
      Archivists and the Forgotten Boxes [1]
      Arhivisti i zaboravljene kutije [1]
      Arhivska građa o Jevrejima u Srbiji [2]
      Arhivska građa o Jevrejima u Srbiji: putovanja srpskih Jevreja u prošlom veku [1]
      Around us: Jews: 110 years of the Synagogue, 65 years of the Holocaust [1]
      Artistic metal processing for Jewish holidays and ceremonies: exhibition catalog: Jewish Historical Museum, Belgrade, May 11 - June 9, 1974: the exhibition is dedicated to Albert Weiss on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of his death [1]
      Association of Jewish Charity "Dr. Bernard Singer" in Subotica [1]
      Attitudes toward death in Judaism - the mourning rites [1]
      Atypical Russians: Kalmyks, Jews and Gypsies among white emigrants in the Kingdom of SCS / Yugoslavia 1918-1941 [1]
      Awakening of anti-Semitism in Serbia at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century. From old prejudices to global conspiracy theories: historical context, form and content [1]