Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije od 1954. godine nastavlјa kulturnu tradiciju jugoslovenskog jevrejstva, koje je uprkos skoro potpunom uništenju tokom Drugog svetskog rata uspelo da obnovi svoj rad i posveti se negovanju uspomene na jevrejsku istoriju, nasleđe i kulturnu delatnost. To čini kroz objavlјivanje tekstova, studija, naučnih radova i sećanja o brojnim uglednim pojedincima, ugaslim institucijama i društvima, porušenim i nestalim verskim i sakralnim objektima, groblјima i drugim sadržajima. Ovaj Almanah je veran odraz nacionalnog i kulturnog života jevrejske zajednice na ovim prostorima ali i ogledalo različitih zbivanja u jevrejskom svetu drugih zemalјa i u Izraelu. Od 1954. do 1996. godine izašlo je ukupno devet brojeva. U svakom broju bio je izuzetno vredan prilog i o hronologiji važnijih događaja iz života jevrejske zajednice u Jugoslaviji. Urednici različitih godišta bili su: Žak Konfino, Aleksandar Levi, Zdenko Levntal, Ivan Ivanji, Lavoslav Gleisinger, David Levi-Dale i Aleksandar Štajner.

The Federation of Jewish Communities in Yugoslavia has continued the cultural tradition of Yugoslav Jewry since 1954, which, despite its almost destruction during World War II, succeeded in restoring its work and devoting itself to nurturing the memory of Jewish history, heritage, and cultural activity. It does this through the publication of texts, studies, scientific papers and memories of numerous distinguished individuals, extinguished institutions and societies, demolished and missing religious and sacred objects, cemeteries and other contents. This Almanac is a faithful reflection of the national and cultural life of the Jewish community in this region, but also a mirror of different events in the Jewish world of other countries and in Israel. From 1954 to 1996 a total of nine issues came out. The chronology of important events from the life of the Jewish community in Yugoslavia was also extremely valuable in each issue. The editors of the various years were: Žak Konfino, Aleksander Levi, Zdenko Levntal, Ivan Ivanji, Lavoslav Gleisinger, David Levi-Dale, and Aleksander Štajner.

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