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Selected poems of Didacus Pyrrhus

dc.creatorNevenić-Grabovac, Darinka
dc.description.abstractŽivotom i radom Didaka Pira, talentovanog pesnika versifikatora ii poznatog humanista, u poslednjih šezdeset godina, među ostalima, bavili su se naši istaknuti naučnici: Đuro Kerbler, Jorjo Tadić ii Petar Kolendić. To govoni o neprekidnoj radoznalosti za poznatog i uvaženog pesinka, s jedne strane, i o njegovu velikom ugledu, uticaju ii pomoći koju je svojom kulturom pružio duhovnom izgrađivanju Dubrovnika, s druge strane. Istraživanja, pronalasci i analize naših naučnika doprinose sve dubljem rasvetljavanju života i rada Didaka Pira, jer svaki od njih ima nešto značajno da doda. S mnogih je stvari trebalo skinuti veo zaborava. I sami Dubrovčani su, posle zemljotresa od 1667, malo znali o svojem XVI veku. To je, pogotovu, moralo pogoditi pesnika došljaka, izbeglicu koji je stvarao i mnogo pre dolaska u Dubrovnik u svojem nemirnom i burnom životu, lutajući posle progonstva iz Spanije (Hoiandija, ltaliija, Turska). Kasnije će se, međutim, svaki književni istoričar dubrovačkog latinizma sustretati s njegovim
dc.description.abstractAfter his banishment from Spain, the poet and versifier of the 16th century, Didak Pir (Jacob Flavius, Isaiah Cohen) lived and worked at Dubrovnik. By his important works, he attracted in the last sixty years the attention of our scholars: Djuro Kerbler, Jorjo Tadić and Petar Kolendić. They published everything that has been already known of Didak Pir and in their research work carried out in Italian towns and in Dubrovnik they discovered forgotten poems and the data concerning his life, enriching and throwing thereby a better light on his work as a whole. The poem To Paul (ad Paulum) and other, here for the first time translated poetries into our language represent partly Pir's creation in Dubrovnik. While other poetries of his have so far been dealt with to a certain extent, the poem To Paul, though printed at one time, remained up to the present day unknown to the Yugoslav public. In the poem To Paul the poet praises the independence and freedom of the Republic of Dubrovnik, the abundance of its material goods and its natural beauties, holding always in the focus the nobility of Dubrovnik. Through the poem shows Pir's great erudition and his knowledge of conditions of the whole of cultural Europe. All this matter is sung with love and consideration for the folk of Dubrovnik, cast into the verses of the poet, who, in markedly elegiacal tones presents a whole range of feelings: he sings in a bright and intimate manner of his friends, with pride of his poetical work, he becomes sad when he thinks of old age, he feels nostalgia and melancholy for his beloved native country and he feels very unhappy as an outcast and foreigner. In many a verse of this long and beautiful poem there is to be felt the restlessness of the homeless individual, condemned by the hard fate of his nation to wander forever without home and hearth. Pir enriches the beauty of his poetic expression by the antique epical technique and by selected mythological traditions which raise both scientific and poetic level of the poem and makes it various and interesting.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije [Federation of Jewish Communitues in Jugoslavia]sr
dc.sourceZbornik 1 : Studije i građa o Jevrejima Dubrovnika, Jevrejski istorijski muzej - Beograd = Jewish studies 1 : Studies and documents about Jews in Dubrovnik, Jewish historical museum - Belgradesr
dc.subjectDidak Pirsr
dc.subjectDidacus Pyrrhussr
dc.subjectDidak Isaiah Cohensr
dc.subjectDidak Isaija Koensr
dc.subjectpoezija Didaka Pirasr
dc.subjectLuzitanac (Didak Pir)sr
dc.titleIz poezije Didaka Pirasr
dc.titleSelected poems of Didacus Pyrrhusen
dcterms.abstractНевенић-Грабовац, Даринка; Из поезије Дидака Пира; Из поезије Дидака Пира;
dcterms.abstractНевенић-Грабовац, Даринка; Из поезије Дидака Пира; Из поезије Дидака Пира;
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbiasr
dc.description.otherČlanak je štampan i kao separat (the article was also printed as a separate issue).



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