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History of the Jewish Hospital "Dr Singer Bernard" in Subotica

dc.creatorFrenkel-Šomlo, Olga
dc.description.abstractOsnivanje Jevrejske bolnice "Dr Singer Bernard" je usko vezano za ime Lajče Polaka, trgovca dobrotvora. On je oko 1920. godine, u krugu svojih poznanika a zatim i šire, počeo da sakuplja dobrovoljne priloge za fond iz kojeg bi se osnovala bolnica. Iz sredstava istog fonda su se u početku školovali siromašni studenti medicine jevrejskog porekla. Kasnije je Polak proširio skupljanje priloga na sve veće jevrejske opštine predratne Jugoslavije. Ovaj fond je nazvao Fond Udruženja za Jevrejsku bolnicu "Dr Singer Bernard". Dr Singer Bernard je bio rabin u Subotici i uživao je poštovanje svih Subotičana. Od 1921. do 1923. Polak je sakupio toliko novca da je Udruženje moglo kupiti zgradu na periferiji Subotice, koja je uz izvesnu adaptaciju zadovoljila propise za privatnu bolnicu i dogradnju nove zasebne zgrade za porodilište. Kapacitet prve stare Jevrejske bolnice bio je 35-40
dc.description.abstractThe foundation of Jewish Hospital Dr. Singer Bernard is closely related to the name of Lajčo Polak, a trader who was the benefactor. Poor medical students of Jewish descent were initially educated from the same fund. Later, Polak expanded the collection of contributions to the larger Jewish communities of pre-war Yugoslavia. This fund has been named by the Dr. Singer Bernard Jewish Hospital Association Fund. Dr. Singer Bernard was a rabbi in Subotica and enjoyed the respect of all people of Subotica. From 1921 to 1923 Polak raised so much money that the Association could buy the building on the outskirts of Subotica, which with some adaptation, fulfilled the regulations for a private hospital and the completion of a new separate maternity building. The capacity of the first old Jewish hospital was 35-40 hospital beds.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije [Federation of Jewish Communitues in Jugoslavia]sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah 1968/70 [Jewish Almanac]sr
dc.subjectJevrejska bolnica "Dr Singer Bernard" (Subotica)sr
dc.subjectJewish hospital "Dr. Singer Bernard" (Subotica)sr
dc.titleIstorija Jevrejske bolnice "Dr Singer Bernard" u Suboticisr
dc.titleHistory of the Jewish Hospital "Dr Singer Bernard" in Suboticaen
dcterms.abstractФренкел-Шомло, Олга; Историја Јеврејске болнице "Др Сингер Бернард" у Суботици; Историја Јеврејске болнице "Др Сингер Бернард" у Суботици;
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbiasr

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