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Josephus Flavius and the defeat of Judea

dc.creatorAlkalaj, Aron
dc.description.abstractU prvom veku živeo je Josif Flavije znameniti jevrejski sveštenik, vojskovođe i autor pisanih dela jednog od najtragičnijih perioda jevrejske istorije. To je bilo doba velike moći rimske imperije koja je držala zemlje od Britanije do Eufrata i od Dunava do Libije. Takođe, to je i doba pada Jerusalima i Judeje i pojave Isusa Hrista. U želji da se dodvori rimskim imperatorima Flavije je podizao i osnivao nove gradove dajući im imena rimskih imperatora; zidao je cirkuse, palate, vodovode itd. Sve te ogromne izdatke podnosio je osiromašeni narod koji je služio kao radna snaga i bio pritisnut porezima i nametima. To je stvaralo masovno nezadovoljstvo, a još više nečovečna i koruptivna uprava rimskih namesnika. Feliks, Fest, Albin, Gesije Flor, Pontije Pilat … teško je reći koji je bio gori. Namesnici su svoje položaje kupovali za novac. Jerusalimski hram sa riznicom koju su punili prilozi pobožnih Jevreja, bio je meta ne samo podmitljivih rimskih namesnika već i samih rimskih imperatora i vojskovođa.sr
dc.description.abstractJosephus Flavius the famous Jewish priest, military leader and author of written materials of one of the most tragic periods of Jewish history lived In the first century. It was an era of great power in the Roman empire. Romans held lands from Britain to the Euphrates and from the Danube to Libya. It is also the time of the fall of Jerusalem and Judea and the advent of Jesus Christ. In an effort to court Roman emperors, Flavius erected and established new cities, giving them the names of Roman emperors; he built circuses, palaces, waterworks, etc. All these enormous expenditures were borne by the impoverished people, who served as a workforce and pressured by taxes and levies. This created widespread discontent, and even more inhuman and corrupt administration of Roman deputies. Felix, Fest, Albin, Gessie Flor, Pontius Pilate… it is hard to say which one was worse. The deputies bought their positions for money. The Jerusalem Temple with its treasury, filled with the contributions of religious Jews, was the target not only of the bribable Roman deputies but also of the Roman emperors and warlords themselves.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije [Federation of Jewish Communitues in Jugoslavia]sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah 1963/64 [Jewish Almanac]sr
dc.subjectJosif Flavije (37-100), jevrejski vojskovođa, istoričarsr
dc.subjectJosif ben Matijassr
dc.subjectJoseph ben Mathiassr
dc.subjectJosephus Flaviussr
dc.titleJosif Flavije i pad Judejesr
dc.titleJosephus Flavius and the defeat of Judeaen
dcterms.abstractAлкалај, Aрон; Јосиф Флавије и пад Јудеје; Јосиф Флавије и пад Јудеје;
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbiasr



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