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Resistance of Polish Jews during Hitler's Occupation (1939-1944)

dc.creatorBer, Mark
dc.description.abstractPoljska je bila nastanjena Jevrejima još pre hiljadu godina. Jevrejski jišuv Poljske bio je inicijator hasidizma i Haskale, cionizma i jevrejskog socijalizma, književnosti na jidiš jeziku i neo-hebrejske kulture. U prvom razdoblju okupacije 1940-41, nije bilo značajnijeg otpora u getima. Jevrejska zajednica koja je ostala u getima nije imala značajniju pomoć poljskog ilegalnog pokreta niti pravo rukovodstvo. Jedina poljska oružana organizacija, koja se sastojala od bivših oficira i koju je podržavala izbeglička vlada u Londonu, odbila je saradnju sa Jevrejima. Nemačka je gradila strategiju na propagandi i lažima, Savet Jevreja bio je oportunistički, poljski desničarski pokret ravnodušan. Zbog toga je jevrejski narod za vreme prve faze transportovanja u logore uništenja (mart-septembar 1942) masovno i bez otpora odlazio u smrt. Tek posle januara 1943. godine počeo je oružani otpor po getima i logorima a neki su uspeli da se prebace u partizane. Borbe sa Nemcima bile su krvave i Jevreji su pružali veoma jak otpor. Pobune su, osim u Varšavi, nastajale i po drugim getima pa čak i
dc.description.abstractJews inhabited Poland thousands of years ago. The Polish yeshiva was the initiator of Hasidism and Haskala, Zionism and Jewish socialism, Yiddish literature and Neo-Hebrew culture. In the first period of occupation 1940-41, there was no significant resistance in the ghettoes. The Jewish community that remained in the ghettos had no significant assistance from the Polish illegal movement or real leadership. The only Polish armed organization, consisting of former officers and supported by the refugee government in London, refused to cooperate with Jews. Germany was building a strategy on propaganda and lies; the Council of Jews was an opportunistic, Polish right-wing movement indifferent. Therefore, during the first phase of transportation to the perish camps (March-September 1942), the Jewish people went to death en masse and without resistance. Until January 1943 armed resistance began on the ghettos and camps and some people managed to transfer to the partisans. The fighting and rebellions with the Germans was bloody and the Jews offered very strong resistance in Warsaw and other ghettos and campsen
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije [Federation of Jewish Communitues in Jugoslavia]sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah 1959/60 [Jewish Almanac]sr
dc.subjectJevreji - Poljska (1939-1944)sr
dc.subjectJews - Poland (1939-1944)sr
dc.titleOtpor Jevreja Poljske za vreme hitlerovske okupacije (1939-1944)sr
dc.titleResistance of Polish Jews during Hitler's Occupation (1939-1944)en
dcterms.abstractБер, Марк; Отпор Јевреја Пољске за време хитлеровске окупације (1939-1944); Отпор Јевреја Пољске за време хитлеровске окупације (1939-1944);
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbiasr

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