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World Sephardic Federation and its Congress in Jerusalem in 1954

dc.creatorGaon, Solomon
dc.description.abstractNa Svetskoj sefardskoj federaciji i njenom kongresu u Izraelu (Jerusalimu), razmatrani su događaji koji su doveli do stvaranja Federacije i odredili njene ciljeve. Sefardsko Jevrejstvo, čije je poreklo u Španiji, uvek je pokazivalo naročitu privrženost prema toj zemlji, iz koje je tako surovo bilo proterano 1492. godine. Neki istoričari tvrde da je u Španiji bilo Jevreja još za vlade kralja Solomona u Izraelu. Nema sumnje, međutim, da su posle osvajanja izraelske zemlje od strane Rimljana mnogi zarobljenici bili odvedeni u Španiju. Tamo su postavili temelje napredne jevrejske zajednice, zajednice koja je stvorila jednu od najslavnijih i najznačajnijih epoha jevrejskog života u Dijaspori. Jedna od najvažnijih karakteristika duhovnog, kultumog i književnog napora jevrejskih zajednica u Španiji bilo je pomirenje učenja Judaizma i zapadne kulture i
dc.description.abstractAt the World Sephardic Federation and its Congress in Israel (Jerusalem), the events that led to the establishment of the Federation were discussed and its goals were set. Sephardic Jew, which originated in Spain, has always shown a particular attachment to that country, from which it was so cruelly expelled in 1492. Some historians claim that there were Jews in Spain before King Solomon's government in Israel. There is no doubt, however, that after the conquest of the Israeli country by the Romans, many captives were taken to Spain. There, they laid the foundations of a thriving Jewish community, a community that created one of the most celebrated and significant epochs of Jewish life in the Diaspora. One of the most important features of the spiritual, cultural and literary efforts of the Jewish communities in Spain was the reconciliation of the teachings of Judaism and Western culture and thought.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije [Federation of Jewish Communitues in Jugoslavia]sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah 1955/56 [Jewish almanac]sr
dc.subjectSvetska sefardska federacijasr
dc.subjectWorld Sephardic Federationsr
dc.titleSvetska sefardska federacija i njen kongres u Jerusalimu 1954sr
dc.titleWorld Sephardic Federation and its Congress in Jerusalem in 1954en
dcterms.abstractГаон, Соломон; Светска сефардска федерација и њен конгрес у Јерусалиму 1954; Светска сефардска федерација и њен конгрес у Јерусалиму 1954;
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbiasr

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