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About Federation of Jewish communities work in the first days of Belgrade liberation

dc.creatorMevorah, Avram
dc.description.abstract“Vest o oslobođenju Beograda pronela se vrlo brzo širom grada. Staro i mlado izašlo je iz svojih skrovišta da pozdravi i zagrli oslobodioce. Toga se dana pojavio na ulici i naš drug dr Fridrih Pops, dugogodišnji predsednik Saveza jevrejskih opština, koji se za vreme okupacije krio u Beogradu i uspeo da se spase. Mada je dr Pops u to vreme bio ostareo i iznemogao od patnji koje je pretrpeo u toku okupacije, on je još uvek bio pun energije i mladelačkog elana i ljubavi za svoju zajednicu, koju je decenijama s ponosom predstavljao. Njegova prva misao bila je da što pre obnovi rad Saveza, jer je bio svestan da će biti potrebno da Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije mnogima, kada se budu vratili iz emigracije i logora, pruži pomoć. U želji da pomogne povratnicima koji su se već prvog dana po oslobođenju vraćali u zemlju iz izbeglištva i raznih radnih i koncentracionih logora, dr Pops je dva dana po oslobođenju Beograda širom otvorio vrata Saveza jevrejskih opština u ulici Kneginje Ljubice br. 34 i na ulazu krupnim slovima istakao natpis Savez jevrejskih veroispovednih opština Jugoslavije. Tako je Savez zaslugom dr Popsa počeo rad 22 oktobra 1944. godine…”sr
dc.description.abstract“The news of the liberation of Belgrade spread very quickly throughout the city. Old and young came out of their hiding places to greet and hug the liberators. Dr. Friedrich Pops, the longtime president of the Federation of Jewish Communities, who had been hiding in Belgrade during the occupation and managed to save himself, also appeared on the street that day. Although Dr. Pops was old and weary at the time, he was still full of energy and youthful elan and love for his community, which he had proudly represented for decades. His first thought was to restore the work of the Federation as soon as possible because he was aware that it would be necessary for the Federation of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia to help many when they returned from emigration and camps. In an effort to help returnees and refugees from different countries and various labor and concentration camps on the first day after liberation, Dr. Pops opened the doors of the Union of Jewish Communities in Kneginje Ljubice Street no. 34 and pointed out in large letters the inscription, the Federation of Jewish Religious Communities of Yugoslavia. Thus, the Federation began its work on October 22, 1944, thanks to Dr. Pops ...”en
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije [Federation of Jewish Communitues in Jugoslavia]sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah 1955/56 [Jewish almanac]sr
dc.subjectSavez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavijesr
dc.subjectFederetion of Jewish Communities in Yugoslaviasr
dc.titleO radu Saveza jevrejskih opština prvih dana po oslobođenju Beogradasr
dc.titleAbout Federation of Jewish communities work in the first days of Belgrade liberationen
dcterms.abstractМеворах, Aврам; О раду Савеза јеврејских општина првих дана по ослобођењу Београда; О раду Савеза јеврејских општина првих дана по ослобођењу Београда;
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbiasr



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