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Educational circumstances of Bosnian Jews during Turkish Government

dc.creatorPinto, Samuel
dc.description.abstractJevreji proterani iz Španije poneli su sa sobom veliko “duševno” blago stečeno godinama u vreme njihovog stvaralačkog perioda u ovoj njihovoj staroj postojbini. Sa ovakvim bogatim nasleđem oni su se nastanili u prostranom turskom carstvu, koje ih je oberučke primilo i dalo im utočište. I dok su Sefardi koji su se iselili u Holandiju, Englesku i druge kulturne krajeve Evrope, nastavili bar tokom prva dva veka nakon emigracije iz Španije, sa svojim kulturnim pregnućima i obogaćivali kulturno nasleđe svojih pradedova (Urijel Da Costa, Spinoza i drugi), dotle su Sefardi u Otomanskoj Carevini ostali dosta pasivni. Kulturna svest Sefarada se još neko vreme održala na visini koju je dostigla u vreme stvaralačkog perioda u Španiji. Zatim je nastao opšti zastoj sve do početka XX veka. I Jevreji Bosne, koji su se skoro isključivo nastanili u Sarajevu, već kratko vreme po dolasku u ove krajeve zapustili su i zanemarili svoj nekada intenzivni kulturni rad i zapali u duhovnu letargiju. Nisu imali prave pobude za stvaralački rad, samo su slepo sledili predanja i tradiciju. Bosanski Jevreji su, kao neznatan ogranak velikih jevrejskih opština u Turskoj, u duhovnom i verskom pogledu zavisili od Soluna. Sve do XVIII veka skoro se nigde u jevrejskim knjigama ne spominju bosanski Jevreji. Tek se sa imenom Nehemije Hajona, koji je kao kabalista obišao svu Evropu propagirajući svoju “krivu” nauku, spominje Saraj-Bosna pošto je Hajon bio rodom iz Sarajeva. Tek dolaskom Davida Parde na položaj sarajevskog rabina 1765. godine menja se ovo stanje. Sa Davidom Pardom nastaje nova epoha u duhovnom životu sarajevskih Jevreja koji su u njemu našli svog pravog duhovnog vođu, vaspitača, prosvjetitelja i učitelja. Zato ga narod spominje po nazivu „Morenu” (naš učitelj). On je stigao u pravi čas u učmalu jevrejsku sredinu koju je trebalo probuditi iz letargije. Rav David Pardo, već poznati učenjak i veliki učitelj, uspio je da jevrejsku zajednicu u Sarajevu duhovno regeneriše - proširuje i reorganizira Talmud-Toru, osniva Višu rabinsku školu i svojim umnim besedama i poukama budi kod svojih vernika smisao i želju za proučavanjem verske nauke.sr
dc.description.abstractThe Jews expelled from Spain brought with them a great deal of "spiritual" treasure acquired over the years during their creative period in their old homeland. With such a rich heritage, they settled in the Turkish empire, which received them and gave them shelter. And while Sephardic emigrants to the Netherlands, England and other cultures of the region of Europe continued for at least the first two centuries after emigrating from Spain, with their cultural impulses and enriching the cultural heritage of their great grandfathers (Uriel Da Costa, Spinoza and others), the Sephardim in the Ottoman Empire remained quite passive. The cultural awareness of the Sephardic remained for some time at the height it reached during the creative period in Spain. Then there was a general setback until the beginning of the 20th century. Even the Jews of Bosnia, who settled almost exclusively in Sarajevo, abandoned and neglected their once intense cultural work for a short time after arriving in these areas, and became embroiled in spiritual lethargy. They had no real incentive for creative work, they just blindly followed the traditions. Bosnian Jews, like a small branch of large Jewish municipalities in Turkey, depended on the Thessaloniki in spiritual and religious terms. Until the eighteenth century, there were almost no Jewish references to Bosnian Jews in the Jewish books. Only with the name of Nehemiah Hajon, who, as a Kabbalist, toured the whole of Europe propagating his "wrong" science, is Sarajevo-Bosnia mentioned since Hajon was originally from Sarajevo. It was not until the arrival of David Parde the position of rabbi of Sarajevo in 1765 that this situation changed. With David Pardo, a new era is emerging in the spiritual life of the Sarajevo Jews who have found him as a true spiritual leader, educator, enlightener and teacher. That is why people refer to it by the name “Morenu” (our teacher). He arrived at the right time in the near-Jewish environment that needed to be awakened by lethargy. Rabbi David Pardo, already a well-known scholar and great teacher, succeeded in spiritually regenerating the Sarajevo Jewish community - expanding and reorganizing the Talmud-Torah, establishing a Rabbinical High School and giving his believers the sense and desire to study religious science.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije [Federation of Jewish Communitues in Jugoslavia]sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah 1955/56 [Jewish almanac]sr
dc.subjectJevreji - Bosna (15.-19. vek)sr
dc.subjectJevreji - prosveta (15.-19. vek)sr
dc.subjectDavid Pardo (1719-1792), rabinsr
dc.subjectJews - Bosnia (15th-19th century)sr
dc.subjectJews - education (15th-19th century)sr
dc.titleProsvjetne prilike bosanskih Jevreja za turske vladavinesr
dc.titleEducational circumstances of Bosnian Jews during Turkish Governmenten
dcterms.abstractПинто, Самуел; Просвјетне прилике босанских Јевреја за турске владавине; Просвјетне прилике босанских Јевреја за турске владавине;
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbiasr



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